Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Target Book covers

Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials novelisation covers revealed

BBC Books has released cover artwork for its Doctor Who Target range with three new 60th anniversary titles available January 2024 The collection are novelisations of the three 2023 Doctor Who specials, which will feature David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. Each episode’s novelisation will also be available as … >

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Do Time Lords Get Drunk? – new eBook tackles Doctor Who questions

Eddie Robson takes an irreverent look at the show’s history and considers its amusing inconsistences.  With the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who almost upon us, there’s a TARDIS-load of new merchandise available; from Big Finish audio dramas to animated Troughton reconstructions, Blu-rays to comic strip collections. One of the more off-beat recent releases comes from … >

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Doctor Who: The Survivors (Part 2 of The Daleks)

Free Doctor Who 60th anniversary exhibit at Riverside Studios London

A free exhibition at Riverside Studios titled Regeneration at Riverside celebrates the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who in collaboration with the BBC. The exhibition features unique photography from the BBC’s vast photographic archives, including seminal images of Doctor Who production at Riverside Studios, which played a pivotal role in the life of the programme.   … >

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BBC to share 60 Years of Doctor Who on iPlayer and online archive

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Programme, the largest collection of Doctor Who, over eight hundred episodes, will become available on BBC iPlayer with multiple accessibility features for the first time. Before the anniversary specials air in November, viewers will have the opportunity to travel back in time with any of the Doctors through … >

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Once Upon a Time Lord cover art crop

Once Upon A Time Lord – trailer for new Doctor Who graphic novel

The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones star in a comic strip adventure to celebrating Doctor Who’s 60th. As Doctor Who’s big anniversary approaches, there are numerous ways to splash your hard-earned cash. The show has a long and storied history in comic form, and the current incarnation of that comes from Titan Comics. Their contribution … >

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Ninth Doctor & Rose, Tenth Doctor & Donna

Remastered Doctor Who Series 1-4 Blu-ray coming in November

Newly-upscaled versions of sixty Doctor Who episodes from the Ninth and Tenth Doctor’s eras are coming to Blu-ray to celebrate the programme’s 60th anniversary year. A trailer was released for the set celebrating the first five years of the Doctor Who revival from 2005-2010. The collection includes every episode and special from the first four … >

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The Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant) brandishing his sonic screwdriver

Prop makers talk Fourteenth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver in Doctor Who Magazine

Michael van Kesteren, art director for props and Barry Jones, prop maker on Doctor Who give the lowdown on the Fourteenth Doctor’s brand-new sonic screwdriver in a feature titled Designated ’Driver in Doctor Who Magazine 594. Other highlights include: • Letter from the Showrunner – Russell T Davies recalls his first ever encounter with the … >

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Liberation of the Daleks

‘Doctor Who: Liberation of the Daleks’ coming to paperback in November

Doctor Who: Liberation of the Daleks, the comic-strip adventure first published in Doctor Who Magazine, will be available as a collated paperback comic release this November. Picking up from where the previous Doctor Who TV series left off with The Power of the Doctor, Liberation of the Daleks is the Fourteenth Doctor’s first official adventure. … >

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