Big Finish: The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 3 review

The latest volume of Tenth Doctor adventures from Big Finish return David Tennant to 2008, paring him again with Catherine Tate’s indomitable Donna Noble. This time it is a family affair too, as the first story also stars Donna’s acidic mother Sylvia, as well as her beloved Gramps Wilfrid Mott too. No Place First up … >

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 2 review – David Tennant and Billie Piper return!

While the Tenth Doctor has adventured with Big Finish before, paired with the glorious Donna Noble, bringing back Billie Piper’s Rose Tyler demands a different feel; 2006 was the second series of a big hit, the much anticipated return of a show which had surprised everyone and needed to prove that their new star, David … >

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Former Doctor Who VFX studio shuts down

VFX studio The Mill was put into administration and shut down after 35 years when its parent company, Technicolor Creative Studios UK Limited, a part of Technicolor Group filed for administration on February 24, 2025. The Mill was the company responsible for the VFX of around 150 episodes of Doctor Who, The Sarah Jane Adventures … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures

The Ninth Doctor and Rose reunite for a new audio drama series

Big Finish announced a series of audio adventures starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.  Twenty years ago, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper reinvigorated Saturday evenings with their starring roles on Doctor Who. As the traumatised Ninth Doctor and his new companion Rose Tyler, the pair visited the end of the world, met Charles Dickens and … >

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Cyberman from Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet (1966)

Genesis of the Cybermen – Big Finish announce Doctor Who Lost Story

The audio drama draws on the ideas of the Cybermen co-creator Gerry Davis.  The Fifth Doctor met the Cybermen on television in the fateful ‘Earthshock.’ However, before that storyline became a fixed point in Doctor Who history, an alternative idea explored the origins of the metal men from Mondas. While the Cybermen were first introduced in … >

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Deathworld – Doctor Who The Lost Stories audio review

The first concept for show’s 10th Anniversary story saw three Doctors in a fantastic battle with Death.  ‘The Three Doctors’, Doctor Who’s tenth anniversary tale, set the template for multi-Doctor encounters. For all its charm, however, it wasn’t without its drawbacks; the Season 10 opener suffered from poorly realised visuals and a dose of run-of-the-mill … >

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Doctor Who Star Trek game crossover

Doctor Who and Star Trek unite for game crossover

At their Intergalactic Friendship Day panel at San Diego Comic Con on July 27, Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies and Star Trek executive producer Alex Kurtzman announced a game crossover between their respective franchises. Alex Kurtzman and Russell T Davies praise each other’s sci-fi franchises, and their shared positive outlook on outer-space adventures#StarTrek #DoctorWho … >

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Doctor Who - The Quintessence cover art crop

The Third Doctor vs the Mondasian Cybermen in a Gothic mystery tale

The next volume of Big Finish’s The Third Doctor Adventures will pit the Doctor and Jo Jones against the men from Mondas in ‘The Quintessence’.  Famously, Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor didn’t encounter the Cybermen during his original television run. While that fact has been remedied a few times, in ‘The Five Doctors’ and on audio, … >

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