Big Finish’s latest ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories reviewed: February 2017 round-up

February brought the Fifth Doctor, travelling with Adric, Nyssa and Tegan, back to Earth for an adventure in the world of Victorian gentlemen’s clubs, or more specifically ‘The Contingency Club’. Meanwhile, the Fourth Doctor, Romana and K-9 became embroiled with the Sontarans in ‘The Eternal Battle’, and the Third, Jo Grant and Mike Yates took … >

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5 of the most disastrous weddings in ‘Doctor Who’

While classic Doctor Who was famously romance-free for the most part, 21st century Who – and its associated productions – seems to have had as many weddings as a soap opera. And if you live in the Whoniverse, you are just as unlikely to have a trouble-free nuptials as if you lived in Walford or … >

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13 of the best couples in ‘Doctor Who’

Since Doctor Who’s 2005 revival, love and relationships have become part of the drama like never before. With Valentine’s Day coming up, CultBox runs down our top couplings…   Amy Pond and Rory Williams (2010 – 2012) With the Eleventh Doctor crash-landing into her childhood, before returning to find her all grown up, it was … >

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10 of Big Finish’s best ‘Doctor Who’ audio releases in 2016

It has been another amazing year of Doctor Who releases from audio producers Big Finish, who continue to entertain us with stories from pretty much all eras of the Time Lord’s story – including John Hurt’s War Doctor and David Tennant’s Tenth, accompanied by Donna Noble. Using our own patented, wildly unscientific, method we have … >

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Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. seated and holding a cricket bat

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: October 2016 reviews round-up

In another busy month from the Doctor Who audio producers, we celebrate Torchwood’s Tenth Anniversary with the special release ‘The Torchwood Archive’ and John Hurt returns in another trio of adventures for the ‘The War Doctor Volume 3: Agents of Chaos’. Also, those stalwart Victorian investigators of the infernal, Jago & Litefoot notch up their … >

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Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: August 2016 reviews round-up

While we are still recovering from last month’s superb era mash-up of  ‘Classic Doctors, New Monsters’, Big Finish takes another of their ranges into unknown territory as Bernice Summerfield enters ‘The Unbound Universe’; a parallel dimension where David Warner is the Doctor. Meanwhile, Gwen Cooper wraps up Torchwood’s second audio season with ‘Made You Look’ – … >

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8 new things every ‘Doctor Who’ fan needs this month

Each month we’re picking out the best of the latest Doctor Who products on sale! 2016 might be a quiet year for Doctor Who, with Season 10 not due to arrive on our screens until next spring, but that doesn’t mean there’s not plenty to keep fans busy. Check out August’s top goodies…   Doctor … >

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