Doctor Who Filming Locations you can Visit

  If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, you’re probably aware that the longest-running cult sci-fi series is filmed in Wales. Luckily for us, not all of it is done in the studio, meaning you don’t need time travel to visit the Doctor Who filming locations.   It doesn’t matter which Doctor is your favourite … >

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Advs Series 10 Vol 1 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 1 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 1 is comprised of two four-part tales: The World Traders and The Day of the Comet. Both see Tom Baker paired with Louise Jameson’s noble savage Leela. The World Traders After a day’s site-seeing in 21st century London, the Doctor and Leela return to find the TARDIS missing. … >

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Tenth Doctor and River Song Boxset Cover Art

The Tenth Doctor and River Song audio boxset review

The Tenth Doctor and River Song is David Tennant’s latest outing with Big Finish. While the redoubtable Ms. Song has enjoyed numerous audio adventures in her own right, it was through the eyes of the Tenth Doctor that we first met her on a fateful trip to The Library. On-screen, they met again in The … >

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The Third Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 6 audio review

Big Finish has a justly deserved reputation for quality audio drama, recreating favourite Cult television shows. Even they can’t match their own high standards every time, which is why a more average release stands out from the crowd. May 2020’s Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 06 is at best average, and shows even Big … >

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Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles cover artwork

The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles audio review

The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles brings Big Finish into Doctor Who’s recent past for more partially-narrated adventures. The first foray into this era outside of the fully narrated Short Trips range, these stories star Jacob Dudman, the remarkable vocal mimic who has also lent his voice to both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. He is joined … >

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Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time review

Big Finish have been creating Doctor Who audio adventures for twenty years. During that time, they have worked with multiple Doctors, most of the companions and a whole host of popular characters and villains from the television series, as well as creating a universe of their own. As is traditional, this milestone is being celebrated … >

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Doctor Who’s K9 to appear in a new series for children

According to Nicola Methven in the Mirror, the Doctor’s robot dog K9 will be the stand-alone star of its own television series for children. “The series will see a re-designed K9, who appears to be a bit battle damaged, taking part in a space war.” “A source revealed: ‘He’s going to look more industrial and … >

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Russell T. Davies

Revisiting Russell T. Davies’ tenure as Doctor Who showrunner

When Doctor Who returned in 2005, the roles of Script Editor and Producer had changed. The Script Editor was no longer a creative role, and was now about storytelling logic, continuity and liaising between writers and the production team. The Show Runner (who was also an Executive Producer) was the main creative force, commissioning stories, … >

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Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor New Adventures Volume 1 review

Set in the latter period of the Virgin New Adventures novels, Doctor Who’s prose home in the wilderness years of the early 1990s, the latest boxset of Seventh Doctor Adventures stars companions Roz Forrester and Chris Cwej – futuristic former law enforcement officers who made their audio debut in the adaptations of their prose adventures … >

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Doctor Who Series 12: what to make of the rumours

On November 1, The Mirror reported that the Doctor Who special for Series 11 will air on New Year’s Day of 2019 rather than on Christmas day. “Doctor Who will not have a Christmas Day outing this year for the first time since the reboot in 2005. Instead, 13th Time Lord Jodie Whittaker will have an … >

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