Doctor Who: Lady Christina review

The latest “new-Who” release from Big Finish is Lady Christina, the continued adventures of Lady Christina da Souza as played by Michelle Ryan in the TV episode Planet Of The Dead alongside David Tennant’s tenth Doctor. Lady C has already appeared in a Big Finish release, the story Last Chance in the Tenth Doctor Chronicles; in … >

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Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles review

After box sets for both the Ninth and Tenth Doctors, the latest Chronicles release features stories from the Eleventh Doctor’s era. Narrated by Jacob Dudman, with his uncanny take on Matt Smith’s incarnation, the set also includes a couple of other familiar voices; Danny Horn returns to his role as the teenage Kazran Sardick and … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips 8.06 – The Siege Of Big Ben review

In the first of two Short Trips, Camille Coduri reprises her role as Rose Tyler’s inimitable mother Jackie, gloriously sharing a few secrets with us over a cheeky splosh of pinot. While this is not Camille Codhuri’s first audio outing, having starred in both the The Ninth Doctor Chronicles and The Lives Of Captain Jack, … >

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Doctor Who: Tales From New Earth review

While the Ninth Doctor showed Rose ‘The End of the Word’, it was not until the second series of modern Doctor Who that we saw the TARDIS visit a whole new world onscreen, when the Tenth brought Rose to smell the apple grass of ‘New Earth’. Later, he also brought Martha and saved the New … >

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The Eighth Doctor: Time War Volume 1 – Doctor Who audio review

When Doctor Who returned to television, the “Time War” was a masterstroke; side-stepping years of continuity, it allowed new viewers to learn about the Doctor’s past alongside his die-hard fans. Through a drip feed of titbits, passing references and old enemies in subsequent years, this backstory built inexorably towards Gallifrey’s climatic return in time for … >

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10 things we loved in this week’s ‘Doctor Who’ episode ‘Smile’

The terrifyingly topical ‘Smile’ follows in a now longstanding tradition of a) largely brilliant single-word-titled Doctor Who adventures; and b) adventures that make innocuous contemporary things and make them utterly terrifying. But apart from feeling slightly creeped out by using emojis for the next few days, here are a few other things we noticed while … >

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Everything we know so far about ‘Doctor Who’ Season 10

This news summary on the tenth 21st Century season of Doctor Who will be updated regularly as more details are revealed. Pre-order the new season on DVD on Amazon here. Pre-order the new season on Blu-ray on Amazon here. Buy ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio’ on DVD on Amazon here.   Watch the trailers…   Who is the … >

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