‘Thor: The Dark World’ review

The first Thor film established that this franchise will be the whacky, fantastic and out-there branch of the Marvel super-tree (at least until Guardians of the Galaxy arrives). Not that we’re suggesting the others are grounded in gritty reality, but this one featured frost-giants, rainbow bridges, and Idris Elba in contact lenses.

Thor: The Dark World is very much an extension of that. And it’s a whole heap of fun.

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‘Doctor Who’ review: ‘Asylum of the Daleks’

Let’s be brutally honest for a moment. The Daleks may have been the most terrifying monsters on telly once upon a time – back in the 1960s or 1970s, say – but since Doctor Who was revived in 2005, they’ve mostly been… well, a bit rubbish. 2005’s ‘Dalek’, in which Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper … >

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5 plausible candidates for a female Doctor in ‘Doctor Who’

Last weekend Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat discussed the idea of one day having a female Doctor, saying that “the more often it’s talked about, the more often it is likely to happen some day”, in a soundbite that had fans eager to pass the time waiting for Asylum of the Daleks rushing to their … >

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