Dalek Universe 3 boxset cover art

Dalek Universe 3 – Doctor Who audio boxset review

Dalek Universe 3 concludes the Tenth Doctor’s sojourn in a pre-Time War, Terry Nation inspired universe. After being drawn back, sans-TARDIS, the Doctor has been seeking a way to his own time. He has been aided in this quest by Space Security Service agent Anya Kingdom, with whom he has a complicated history. However, at … >

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Terry Nation Celebration

Terry Nation Celebration at Big Finish kicks off with Blake’s 7

Welcome to the Big Finish Terry Nation Celebration! Blake’s 7 creator Terry Nation would have celebrated his 91st birthday on 08 August, and Big Finish is commemorating his work with discounts on a range of audio dramas which feature the characters he invented, including Doctor Who, Dalek Empire and Survivors. Blake’s 7: The Classic Adventures … >

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HBO’s The Last of Us begins filming in Canada

Production of the show, adapted from the award-winning video game, is set to last for a year. The Last of Us is set some twenty years after the fall of civilisation, following a deadly viral outbreak, one which not only decimates the population but leaves the survivors on the run from contagious mutants. The central … >

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Cult Games Still Kicking in 2021

The pandemic has been soaring for over a year and you must have tried everything you could possibly do indoors. The two activities most engaged in were OTT platforms like Netflix and Amazon and streaming media like YouTube. Even though they continuously generate new content, you may be getting tired of using the same platforms. … >

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Top 6 movie drivers in cinematic history

  Leave it to movies to make everyday things look a thousand times cooler and more interesting than they are in real life. Take driving, for example. Unless you’re a professional Formula 1 pilot or a Top Gear cameraman, chances are that driving is usually quite tedious and involves getting from Point A to Point … >

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