The New Counter Measures - The Movellan Manoeuvre

The New Counter-Measures: The Movellan Manoeuvre review

Big Finish called time on the New Counter-Measures audio box sets back in 2017. Yet there’s been a strong desire since then to provide fans with a more complete and fitting endpoint for the current run. Something stronger than simply the lack of new commissions. Following on from the group’s entanglement with a self-help messiah … >

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Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Vol 1 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 returns us to Tom Baker’s final season on-screen. Set during the “E-Space trilogy”, it reunites the Doctor with Romana II, Adric and K9 for the first time on audio. Notwithstanding some interesting stories, and our favourite version of Tom’s outfit, we find this era of Doctor Who hard work. … >

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Space 1999 - Breakaway - Big Finish

Space: 1999 Breakaway review

The latest 1970s genre property to receive the Big Finish audio makeover treatment is the hugely fondly remembered interstellar epic Space: 1999 – the opening episode of which is retold here infused with a strong contemporary ethos and tone that remains respectful but not reverential to the original source material. The second live action series … >

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