Doctor Who New Year special ‘Eve of the Daleks’ was written “in a little over a fortnight”

According to Aisling Bea in an interview in Radio Times magazine, It took showrunner Chris Chibnall just over two weeks to write the Doctor Who New Year’s special Eve of the Daleks. “Holy moly, that man’s a machine,” Bea marvelled about the inspired speed of Chris Chibnall’s writing in the RT interview. The actress explained … >

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Doctor Who 2022 Specials: news, writers and directors

Three Doctor Who specials featuring the thirteenth Doctor are planned for New Year’s Day, spring and autumn of 2022. New Year’s Day special Eve of the Daleks Written by Chris Chibnall directed by Annetta Laufer. Sarah (Aisling Bea) owns and runs ELF STORAGE and is working at the facility – again, on New Year’s Eve. … >

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Doctor Who New Year’s Special: new information

A brief synopsis, some casting information and some photos were released for the as-yet-unnamed Doctor Who New Year’s special. What has happened to the TARDIS? Sarah (Aisling Bea) owns and runs ELF storage, and Nick (Adjani Salmon) is a customer who visits his unit every year on New Year’s Eve. This year, however, their night … >

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