Doctor Who: Beyond the Screen

Doctor Who: Beyond the Screen live panel coming in December

BBC Studios and Toshiba TV have unveiled new partnership to mark the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who which includes a live interactive panel, Doctor Who: Beyond the Screen, featuring some of the experts and creative minds who have shaped the show into what it is today. The invite-only event will be hosted on Saturday 9 … >

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The Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant) brandishing his sonic screwdriver

BBC Four to air Doctor Who documentary with David Tennant

As part of the Doctor Who 60th anniversary celebrations, David Tennant time travels back through the BBC archives to tell the story of the Doctor’s classic era in a BBC Four documentary titled Talking Doctor Who. The show will feature a selection of rarely seen interviews and clips covering William Hartnell’s first incarnation right through … >

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Anthology features contributions from Doctor Who writers and actors

A new Doctor Who anthology, Adventures Across Space and Time: A Doctor Who Reader, brings together key academic, critic and fan writings about Doctor Who alongside newly-commissioned work addressing contemporary issues and debates to form a comprehensive guide to the wider Whoniverse. The perennially popular BBC series holds a unique place in the history of … >

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Doctor Who: The Survivors (Part 2 of The Daleks)

Free Doctor Who 60th anniversary exhibit at Riverside Studios London

A free exhibition at Riverside Studios titled Regeneration at Riverside celebrates the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who in collaboration with the BBC. The exhibition features unique photography from the BBC’s vast photographic archives, including seminal images of Doctor Who production at Riverside Studios, which played a pivotal role in the life of the programme.   … >

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Russell T Davies back

Russell T Davies teases Doctor Who 60th anniversary and 2025 Series news

In Doctor Who Magazine 596, Russell T Davies supplied a few hints regarding upcoming Doctor Who episodes. Davies shared specific dates relevant to anticipating fans. “November 1 [when all Doctor Who content is available on iPlayer], November 17 [Children in Need], November 23 [60th anniversary of the first Doctor Who broadcast]. And none of those … >

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Doctor Who @ 60: A Musical Celebration

Doctor Who @ 60: A Musical Celebration available now on BBC Sounds

Now available on BBC Sounds, Jo Whiley presents a unique performance celebrating the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who recorded at Cardiff’s BBC Hoddinott Hall recorded in a live concert on 28 September for BBC Radio 2. The concert features the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and The BBC Singers conducted by Alastair King. Whiley interviews … >

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Miriam Margoyles and Beep the Meep in the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials

Miriam Margolyes interviewed in Doctor Who Magazine

Miriam Margolyes, who voices the Meep in the first 2023 Doctor Who 60th Anniversary special The Star Beast, talks about her lunch with David Tennant, her affection for Tom Baker, and why she’s the Fourth Doctor’s companion who never was in a feature in Doctor Who Magazine 596 titled Meet the Meep. Other highlights in … >

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BBC to share 60 Years of Doctor Who on iPlayer and online archive

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Programme, the largest collection of Doctor Who, over eight hundred episodes, will become available on BBC iPlayer with multiple accessibility features for the first time. Before the anniversary specials air in November, viewers will have the opportunity to travel back in time with any of the Doctors through … >

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