Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor

Big Finish reunites The Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard

India Fisher’s ‘Edwardian Adventuress’ returns for a new boxset teamed with Paul McGann’s dashing Doctor Celebrating twenty years since his Big Finish debut, the Eighth Doctor will once again enjoy adventures with his original audio companion Charlotte Pollard; a new boxset of four full-cast audio dramas is set for release in January 2022. In “Doctor … >

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The War Master: Hearts of Darkness cover art

The War Master: Hearts of Darkness audio review

The War Master: Hearts of Darkness is the fifth boxset to chronicle the exploits of Derek Jacobi’s Master. Set amid the Time War, the storyline here steers clear of the Daleks in favour of a battle of wits between the Eighth Doctor and the Master. As with most of the sets in this range, the … >

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The War Master 3: Rage Of The Time Lords review

Derek Jacobi is back in another four-story War Master set, and this time only the Doctor can save the day, if he ever arrives! This time Big Finish has set Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor in the way of events, but can even he stop the Master’s plans this time? It’s a strong set of stories, … >

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Classic Doctors New Monsters 2

Doctor Who: Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 2 review

In their second set of stories blending so-called classic Doctors with new series monsters, Big Finish has mixed things up to an extent. There are still four stories, but a slight change to the set of Doctors, and one monster appearing twice. First up John Dorney brings us Night of the Vashta Nerada, bringing the … >

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Weeping Angels

‘Doctor Who’ audio review: Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 1

Big Finish finally releases one of the most anticipated titles from its extended Doctor Who licence this month: Classic Doctors, New Monsters – Volume 1. The concept is simple; four single-disc stories, each with a classic Doctor and a monster from the post-2005 TV series. All you need to know is the idea works very well on … >

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