Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen cover art crop

Genesis of the Cybermen – Doctor Who: The Lost Stories review

The origin story of the Cybermen, based on the ideas of their co-creator Gerry Davis. Thanks to a neat line or two from Steven Moffat, we know that Cybermen are inevitable. They’re the horrific result of a simple equation: “People plus technology minus humanity.” However, the Cybermen who met the First Doctor at the South … >

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Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen cover art crop

Big Finish release ‘Genesis of the Cybermen’ Lost Story

Cyber co-creator Gerry Davis ideas become an audio drama for the Fifth Doctor’s Season 19 team. While we famously saw the ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ in 1975, the origins of the Cybermen were only alluded to during Doctor Who‘s classic television run. Instead, they appeared fully formed in ‘The Tenth Planet’, with the cloth-faced monstrosities … >

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Doomwatch TV series is coming to Talking Pictures

The 1970s series followed a team who investigated environmental and technological dangers. Back in 2021, we were excited to report that the Doomwatch film was coming to Talking Pictures TV. Now, the archive broadcaster has announced that it is about to begin airing the original television series. Featuring John Paul, Simon Oates and Robert Powell, Doomwatch followed … >

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Doctor Who audio dramas we’re looking forward to in 2025

There’s another massive year coming as Jodie Whittaker joins Big Finish to lead her own series of Thirteenth Doctor audio dramas in 2025.  Producers Big Finish celebrated twenty-five years of making official Doctor Who audio dramas in 2024. However, they’ve no signs of slowing down with a packed schedule for the year ahead. Here are … >

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Cyberman from Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet (1966)

Genesis of the Cybermen – Big Finish announce Doctor Who Lost Story

The audio drama draws on the ideas of the Cybermen co-creator Gerry Davis.  The Fifth Doctor met the Cybermen on television in the fateful ‘Earthshock.’ However, before that storyline became a fixed point in Doctor Who history, an alternative idea explored the origins of the metal men from Mondas. While the Cybermen were first introduced in … >

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Return of the Cybermen cover art crop

Return of the Cybermen – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 6.1 audio review

Return of the Cybermen is the latest of Big Finish’s Doctor Who Lost Stories. While most such tales derive from commissioned storylines that went no further, or ultimately rejected scripts, this is something different. Written for Tom Baker’s first season, the production team of the day felt that the script by Gerry Davis (Cyberman co-creator … >

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Rewind: Cybermen creators’ ’70s sci-fi drama ‘Doomwatch’ revisited

‘What are you making down there – poison gas?’ What was it about? Gerry Davis and Dr Kit Pedler first worked together during the 1960s, when Doctor Who producer Innes Lloyd brought them into his production team as story editor and technical advisor respectively. Together, Pedler and Davis brought some contemporary scientific realism to the … >

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