Doctor Who: Doom's Day

Doctor Who Doom’s Day: Dying Hours audio drama details revealed

Doom encounters the Eighth Doctor and Charley, the Silence and Jackie Tyler on Big Finish.  The multi-platform Doctor Who adventure Doom’s Day comes enjoys its audio drama component in September. Doom’s Day follows a time travelling assassin, played by Sooz Kempner, through twenty-four hours. The story plays out across prose, audio, comic strip and games. … >

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Doctor Who: Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 3 audio review

Welcome to Classic Doctors New Monsters 3: The Stuff of Nightmares.  “There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things! Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought!” So said the Second Doctor. While his monstrous foes often only make a single onscreen appearance, we often … >

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Big Finish – Sherlock Holmes is a 2022 Audie Winner! (updated)

Updated 26/03/22 – Sherlock Holmes – The Seamstress of Peckham Rye wins ‘Best Audio Drama’.  The original Sherlock Holmes adventure, beat out stiff competition from Audible and the BBC to scoop the prize at the 2022 Audio Awards. To celebrate, the audio adventure is available in a flash sale; there’s 20% off the regular asking … >

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Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor

Big Finish reunites The Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard

India Fisher’s ‘Edwardian Adventuress’ returns for a new boxset teamed with Paul McGann’s dashing Doctor Celebrating twenty years since his Big Finish debut, the Eighth Doctor will once again enjoy adventures with his original audio companion Charlotte Pollard; a new boxset of four full-cast audio dramas is set for release in January 2022. In “Doctor … >

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Doctor Who: These Stolen Hours cover art

These Stolen Hours – Doctor Who Short Trips 10.8 audio review

These Stolen Hours is a Short Trip drawn from a very specific point in Charley Pollard’s travels. While she narrates from a point during her time working for the Viyrans, she recalls an adventure with Doctor. Specifically, the Sixth Doctor, with whom she journeyed for a short while. believing her Doctor, the Eighth, had died. … >

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Hall of the Ten Thousand – Doctor Who Short Trips 9.11 audio review

‘Hall of the Ten Thousand’, the latest Doctor Who Short Trip, features the Eighth Doctor and his enduring fan-favourite companion, Charlotte “Charley” Pollard. Keen to meet the well-renowned artist, the Doctor brings Charley to the “Hall of the Ten Thousand”, an art installation orbiting a former war-torn, now peaceful, planet. With echoes of China’s Terracotta … >

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Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time review

Big Finish have been creating Doctor Who audio adventures for twenty years. During that time, they have worked with multiple Doctors, most of the companions and a whole host of popular characters and villains from the television series, as well as creating a universe of their own. As is traditional, this milestone is being celebrated … >

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