The Zygon Invasion

Liked ‘The Zygon Invasion’? Watch these ‘Doctor Who’ stories

The first of a two-part thriller, ‘The Zygon Invasion’ brought Doctor Who’s most famous shape changers back to our screens. Despite their fearsome reputation, this is only their third proper appearance in the show, although they have been active in spin-off media, such as 2014’s audio tale ‘Zygon Hunt’ and the novel ‘Sting of the … >

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‘Doctor Who’ teasers: 10 hints for ‘The Zygon Inversion’

The new season of Doctor Who continues this weekend with ‘The Zygon Inversion’, written by Peter Harness (‘Kill the Moon’). Shapeshifting Zygons are everywhere in the UK, and there is no way of knowing who to trust. With UNIT neutralised, only the Doctor stands in their way. But how do you stop a war? And … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 Episode 7 review: ‘The Zygon Invasion’

History proves it again and again: no matter how good things are, there’ll always be some who are unhappy. No, we’re not talking about the more vociferous Doctor Who fans! We’re talking about the Zygons. And while it’s understandable that no episode pleases everyone, ‘The Zygon Invasion’ should have everyone reaching the consensus that it’s … >

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‘Doctor Who’ teasers: 10 hints for ‘The Zygon Invasion’

The new season of Doctor Who continues this weekend with ‘The Zygon Invasion’, written by Peter Harness (‘Kill the Moon’). The Zygons, a race of shapeshifting aliens, have been living in secret among us on Earth, unknown and unseen – until now! When Osgood is kidnapped by a rogue gang of Zygons, the Doctor, Clara … >

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The Zygon Invasion

‘Doctor Who’ spoiler-free review: ‘The Zygon Invasion’

Now, this is a Part 1! With many of the two-parters this season, the trick has been to tell a story that pivots at the halfway point, flipping and somersaulting over the viewer’s expectations. With ‘The Zygon Invasion’, however, the watchword is very much ‘scale’. Since the events of 2013’s ‘The Day of the Doctor’, … >

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