The Musketeers: the full boxset is heading to BBC iPlayer
The BBC is once again bolstering the box sets section of its iPlayer, with the complete collection of The Musketeers episodes heading to the Beeb’s online platform.
The BBC is once again bolstering the box sets section of its iPlayer, with the complete collection of The Musketeers episodes heading to the Beeb’s online platform.
It’s the very last episode of The Musketeers, and I’m still a bit sad about that. Bad news: Treville is still dead. Worse news: Grimaud, who remains a very bad man, has wasted no time in blowing the heck out of the Musketeers’ garrison. Good news: the baddies think D’Artagnan is dead, which will no … >
Sad times in the world of The Musketeers, as Louis dies like a minute into the episode. I’ll miss his precious little sunshine face. Treville tells Athos to take the new little king into hiding until all of the ensuing nonsense blows over, which is wise, except for the bit where Anne didn’t know and … >
The Musketeers return to BBC One for a third season to face their greatest challenge. After four years, a war-torn Paris has become a powder keg ready to explode. Refugees have flocked to the city in search of sanctuary. Food is scarce. Black market profiteering is rife. But the city’s governor, Phillipe Feron (Rupert Everett), is … >
Great news: maybe the French won’t be at war with the Spanish for much longer in the world of The Musketeers? I’ll be honest: I’m fuzzy on the historical details. Milady’s returned to possibly do some murders for Treville, and that’s bunches more interesting to me. So after some Spanish prisoners of war are marched … >
In this episode of The Musketeers, we see desperate people in desperate times doing desperate things. Ok, so that opening interrogation scene was a little mean, but he was a baddie, so I’ll let it pass. The Musketeers are after the whereabouts of Grimaud, whom they have discovered to be a very naughty man indeed. … >
At last, the baddies have resolved to get rid of those pesky Musketeers once and for all, but the cynic in me is apt to remind myself that this is only the sixth episode of a ten-episode season. There wouldn’t be much to go on if all of our heroes were dead for the last … >
Word of advice: if you’re thinking of moving to Paris, don’t travel back in time and move there when the Musketeers were about. Especially if this week’s episode is anything to go by. Case in point: prisoners are breaking free and causing chaos as they go, while the Red Guard apparently have failed to subdue … >
Things are hotting up in the world of Parisian politics as The Musketeers go looking for shiny things this week. The Queen of England (Olivia Poulet) has been robbed by a mysterious and dangerous highwayman on her visit to France – though Aramis quite rightly wants to know why the heck she was travelling without … >
The Duke of Orleans, King Louis’ brother, has been summoned. Apparently, Louis decided it would be a good time to reconcile and get on again. This would be nice, except for the fact that apparently it isn’t. For one thing, the Duke’s purse has been stolen, and it’s up to the Musketeers to recover it. … >