James Bond retrospective 010: ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ (1977)

The rushed Man with the Golden Gun was a financial and critical disappointment upon its release in 1974, so much so that production on the next adventure was delayed to ensure the team got the next one right. Fortunately they came up with probably the quintessential Roger Moore Bond movie; 1977’s practically perfect The Spy Who … >

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5 of the most disastrous weddings in ‘Doctor Who’

While classic Doctor Who was famously romance-free for the most part, 21st century Who – and its associated productions – seems to have had as many weddings as a soap opera. And if you live in the Whoniverse, you are just as unlikely to have a trouble-free nuptials as if you lived in Walford or … >

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5 ways to improve ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off ‘Class’ if it gets a second season

When the latest Doctor Who spin-off series was first announced back in October 2015, the initial reaction ranged from scepticism to outright hostility. By the time Class launched online on BBC Three last autumn, following a promising trailer and confirmation that Peter Capaldi’s Doctor would be appearing, fans seemed slightly more welcoming. However, the eight episodes failed to attract … >

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5 of the most romantic ‘Doctor Who’ episodes

Before 2005, Doctor Who did not spend a lot of time dwelling on matters of the heart. Occasionally the Time Lord’s companions would fall for someone, but the central character remained virtually asexual – despite being a grandparent and therefore presumably a parent too. That’s not to say he has not had his moments though; … >

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15 of the most romantic moments in ‘Doctor Who’

Love plays a strong role in modern Doctor Who, with not just the companions but the Time Lord himself occasionally becoming involved with affairs of the heart. Of course, being the Doctor, romantic moments often involve self-sacrifice and monsters too. Here are 15 of our favourite romantic moments from the past decade of Doctor Who… … >

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13 of the best couples in ‘Doctor Who’

Since Doctor Who’s 2005 revival, love and relationships have become part of the drama like never before. With Valentine’s Day coming up, CultBox runs down our top couplings…   Amy Pond and Rory Williams (2010 – 2012) With the Eleventh Doctor crash-landing into her childhood, before returning to find her all grown up, it was … >

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5 ‘Doctor Who’ companions who left for love

When your time travelling adventures with the Doctor are over there are variety of ways to make an exit, some grand and some not so. While some go out with a bang (Adric), others leave with more of a whimper (Tegan). Some go home to face the past they ran from (Turlough), while others are … >

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10 years since it began, could ‘Primeval’ ever return?

Today marks exactly ten years since the first ever episode of Primeval aired. ITV’s sci-fi series started as a competitor to Doctor Who in the Saturday evening family drama slot, but quickly grew into something far more interesting. It was a show that, rather appropriately, evolved a lot over its lifetime – but even if nothing … >

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4 things we need from the next Doctor

One of the most subtle and gifted actors to take on the role of the Time Lord, Peter Capaldi has been terrific at the helm of the TARDIS over the past four years. But before 2017 comes to an end, he’ll be handing over the mantle to someone else. The new Doctor will see their … >

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