
You Season 4: Release and What to Expect

You may have heard by now that Netflix has confirmed a fourth season for You. After the colossal surprise of an ending, we see the main character Joe Goldberg hit the highroad in Paris. The psychological season has won millions of viewers all over the world, and it seems this season is really going from … >

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How To Cast The Right Actors For Your Video

Casting a role is a crucial pre-production process that every casting director must carry out. It is vital because actors breathe life into their characters and connect with the audience emotionally. Their interpretation of the character, body language, and voice all play a role in capturing the hearts of both the audience and critics alike. … >

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Jenna Coleman Boots 2021 Christmas Ad

Jenna Coleman delivers Christmas 2021 for Boots

The former Doctor Who and Victoria actress dispenses gifts with a suspiciously TARDIS-like bag.  ‘Tis the season for the big brands to push their festive wares with tinsel themed adverts. This year, Boots have enlisted Jenna Coleman to front their ‘Bags of Joy’ campaign in a three-minute short film. Jenna stars as ‘Joy’, whose capacious … >

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Stranger Things 4

Stranger Things Day – Netflix teases Stranger Things 4 for Summer 2022

The streamer celebrated the show, dropping a promo and episode titles for the new run.  On 6th November 1983, Will Byers went missing in Hawkins, Indiana and sparked the start of Stranger Things. While we wait for the fourth season next summer, Netflix celebrated that anniversary this Saturday, dropping teasers galore. Understandably, the pandemic impacted … >

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Doctor Who Children In Need Pudsey Bears

Two new Doctor Who Pudsey Bears for Children in Need 2021

The Fourth and Eleventh Doctors are immortalised in ursine form to support the BBC’s annual charity event.  Like Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant before them, Tom Baker and Matt Smith are becoming Pudsey Bears. Pudsey is the mascot for the BBC’s annual telethon, which raises funds to help children and young people. Their mission is … >

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5 Ways to Get the Best out of Your College Education

Some students will spend most of their time in college buried in books and preparing for exams. For others, sports, socializing with friends, and going to parties will come before anything else. But no matter what side you relate to, both ends of the spectrum are a tad bit too extreme. If you want to … >

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