‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 Episode 4 review: ‘Smoke and Mirrors’

Peggy Carter, special agent, and Mr Edwin Jarvis, chauffeur, make for an effective if unlikely team. She supplies keen intelligence and ruthless fighting abilities; he provides transport and a boot full of elephant tranquilisers. All these diverse skills come together in ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ this week, enabling Peggy & Jarvis to capture Mr Hunt the … >

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‘Jericho’ Episode 7 review: The show’s central mystery is resolved

It may have simmered for seven weeks, but the townsfolk of Jericho have finally caught up with the conspiracy surrounding the first episode’s explosion and the death of the saboteur Red Killeen. As this penultimate episode began, the discovery of Red’s body buried surreptitiously beneath his victims had hit home and Johnny Blackwood’s name was … >

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‘Happy Valley’ Season 2 Episode 2 review: More tension than we can handle

Well, that’s a shame – Vicky didn’t last long… It’s the day of two matriarchal funerals: the passing of Ann’s much-loved mother and colleague of Clare who was battling cancer during her daughter’s kidnap last season contrasts cleverly with Tommy Lee Royce’s murdered mummy. Whilst the Gallaghers have a full and joyous turnout, Royce only … >

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‘Call the Midwife’ review: Season 5 Episode 5 dabbles in mystery

Call the Midwife isn’t known for dabbling in mystery, but it tries its hand at it here and pulls it off remarkably well. The show positions the central mother, Roseanne Dawley (Celeste Dodwell), to this week’s main storyline as something of an enigma, hiding secrets and questioning herself at every turn but for reasons we aren’t able to … >

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‘Dickensian’ Episodes 16-17 review: The show lives up to its promise

Finally. Finally! After weeks of meandering storylines and terrible double entendres, Dickensian lives up to the promise of its beginnings, with two episodes that are entertaining, and both for different reasons. This is what the show should’ve been like all along. So while I usually lump both together in a review, it’s worth separating them … >

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