‘Westworld’ Season 1 Episode 8 review: ‘Trace Decay’ offers philosophy and thrills

“When are we?” Trace decay, the theory that gives this week’s Westworld its title, is the theory that human memory slowly fades over time, with the details of any given memory slowly decaying away and leaving only the vague broad strokes. Meanwhile, Hosts have it a little different, perfectly recalling every detail of a situation … >

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‘Class’ Episode 6 review: ‘Detained’ is raw and claustrophobic

After last time’s planet hopping excitements, we wished for a less frenetic episode and a chance to connect with the characters of Class. Clearly knowing better, Patrick Ness has delivered ‘Detained’, with character development aplenty, locked inside a claustrophobic single-roomed story. School detentions are rarely this eventful we imagine, as an asteroid colliding with the … >

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‘Humans’ review: Season 2 Episode 4 is a chance to slow down

For as long as there’s been technology, there’s been a pervading worry about the effect it’ll have on our lives. In the Victorian era, people worried that terrifying speeds of 30mph on the railways would cause organ failure. At the dawn of radio, some naysayers proclaimed it was a distraction for young minds. And in … >

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‘Crazyhead’ Episode 5 review: ‘Downward Facing Dog’ is unmissable fantasy TV

At first glance, this penultimate instalment of Crazyhead would appear to be business as usual. There’s the usual display of cheekiness, intelligent wit and endearing character work, but it hardly feels like its building to any huge revelatory crescendo. But whilst ‘Downward Facing Dog’ doesn’t exactly shake everything to the core ready for the big … >

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‘Westworld’ Season 1 Episode 7 review: ‘Trompe L’Oeil’ is the best episode so far

“And in that sleep, what dreams may come…” Westworld has spent a good chunk of its first six episodes methodically putting the building blocks in place for what’s now ensured (thanks to this week’s season two renewal) to be an expansive mythological journey. It’s been a fascinating ride, but light on genuine pay-off, and often … >

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