‘New Blood’ review: Episode 2 brings our two heroes together

Following on from last week’s excellent opener, the second instalment of BBC One’s New Blood brings our two heroes, and their two plots, together. And it’s not just chatting up of sisters this week (although there is a bit of that) – as the episode progresses it becomes apparent that David Leese, at whose office … >

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‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ review: Embrace the madness

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is one of those curious musicals where everyone somehow knows all the songs, even if they can’t recall having ever actually seen it. It’s most likely a faint memory from an early play at school and it’s that association which initially hampers this production of the UK’s longest running musical. For the opening couple of numbers, it comes across … >

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Big Finish’s ‘Survivors’ box set review: Season 4 is dark and powerful

Big Finish’s latest set of post-apocalyptic tales based on Terry Nation’s 1970s TV series Survivors takes the action forward two years after the plague, and finds yet more moral and ethical challenges for Greg Preston (Ian McCulloch) and Jenny Richards (Lucy Fleming). As before this is aimed at an adult audience, and is as dark … >

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‘The Musketeers’ Season 3 Episode 2 review: ‘The Hunger’

There’s panic on the streets of Paris in this week’s episode of The Musketeers, as our heroes discover a very different war at home to the one they faced against the Spanish. Some seriously shady business is going down when a massive grain harvest goes missing and riots break out, and it’s no surprise that … >

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‘Love, Nina’ review: Nina has a new dilemma in Episode 4

Nina faces an entirely new dilemma this week and it’s not just because of yoga as Nick Hornby’s adaptation continues. Since we last caught up with Nina and her writings to Vic a couple of things have changed. First of all the hapless Nina is now attending yoga classes with her friend, Amanda – another … >

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‘Peaky Blinders’ review: Season 3 concludes with a strong finale

Finale time. But not the final time we’ll see the members of Shelby Company Ltd. With two more seasons commissioned, we’re basically hanging up our flat caps for a bit and pressing the snooze button. Not that there’s anything soporific about Season 3’s finale; a punchy hour which both proves that the show’s got more … >

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‘Doctor Who’ audio spin-off review: ‘Cyberman’ is proper grown-up science fiction

Re-released in a collected volume, celebrating their own 50th Anniversary, Big Finish’s Cyberman series presents humanity the gravest danger; locked in a bitter interstellar conflict with its own android creations. With the incumbent Earth president refusing the more unpalatable options, an insidious conspiracy manoeuvres military hero Admiral Karen Brett (Sarah Mowat) into position, eyeing her as … >

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‘Torchwood’ audio review: Suzie Costello returns in ‘Moving Target’

Big Finish’s range of brand new Torchwood stories continues this month with ‘Moving Target’. Guy Adams’ story gives us the return of bad-girl Suzie Costello (Game of Thrones actress Indira Varma) who was killed in the first ever TV episode of the show (which didn’t preclude her coming back in a later story). This means the … >

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