‘Lewis’ Season 9 Episode 4 review: ‘Magnum Opus’ (Part Two)

Full marks to Angela Griffin as DS Maddox when she almost gets away with the line, “It says here under occupation he was a Practicing Alchemist” in the concluding part of ‘Magnum Opus’. Despite the absurdity of the comment she gives it the same lightness of touch that less convoluted police dramas would give to … >

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The Zygon Invasion

‘Doctor Who’ spoiler-free review: ‘The Zygon Invasion’

Now, this is a Part 1! With many of the two-parters this season, the trick has been to tell a story that pivots at the halfway point, flipping and somersaulting over the viewer’s expectations. With ‘The Zygon Invasion’, however, the watchword is very much ‘scale’. Since the events of 2013’s ‘The Day of the Doctor’, … >

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‘Doctor Who’ DVD review: ‘The Underwater Menace’

With this DVD release, all the surviving Doctor Who episodes in the BBC archive are now available for fans to own. Returned to the BBC in 2011, along with the third episode of ‘Galaxy 4’ (available on ‘The Aztecs’ Special Edition), ‘The Underwater Menace’ has endured a complicated journey to the high street. Frankly it … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 Episode 6 review: ‘The Woman Who Lived’

‘We all change…’ said The Doctor once upon a regeneration, ‘We’re all different people, all through our lives. And that’s okay…so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.’ Sound advice. Shame Ashildr’s forgotten who she was. Now she thinks she’s The Shadow from Blackadder. Hide your (clockwork) squirrel, Doctor! But … >

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