The Blazing Hour

Doctor Who audio drama The Blazing Hour review

In August 1999, Big Finish started their main range of Doctor Who audios with Sirens of Time, a multi-Doctor extravaganza and statement of arrival. This was followed by Phantasmagoria, a tale for the fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) and Turlough (Mark Strickson). In some ways it was this story that showed how the range could be a success by … >

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The Walking Dead - Home, Sweet Home

The Walking Dead: Home, Sweet Home review

Production on season ten of The Walking Dead halted last year due to the impact of the Covid lockdown. With socially-distanced filming  permitted once more in the US state of Georgia a few months ago, the remaining episodes of what’s confirmed as the show’s penultimate series are now airing in the UK on the Fox … >

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Space 1999 volume one cover

Space: 1999 volume one review

Enthused by the positive critical reaction that greeted the release of Breakaway, an updated retelling of the pilot episode of ITC’s 1970s TV sci-fi romp, Big Finish have now released the first volume of three Space 1999 audio dramas. With the moon launched into deep-space and pushed through a worm-hole, the fate of humanity back … >

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 2 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 2 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 2 sees Tom Baker and Louise Jameson return for a further pair of four-part adventures. Fresh from Volume 1‘s 21st century finances and doomed world, here we have time-travel antics and impossible dinosaurs! The Tribulations of Thadeus Nook Writer Andrew Smith’s tale sees the Doctor on the trail … >

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Gallifrey Time War 4 cover art

Gallifrey: Time War 4 audio review

Gallifrey: Time War 4 concludes the current storyline for Gallifrey. With Romana lost and Leela returned, former CIA operative Narvin remains an outcast from his home; the planet of the Time Lords now firmly gripped by the resurrected Rassilon. The legendary Time Lord has worn many guises, but perhaps never before that of the handsome … >

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Torchwood: Drive

Review Torchwood: Drive

Tosh is back on a solo mission on the streets of Cardiff, trying to track down and quarantine an alien artifact that’s being used for nefarious purposes somewhere in the city. The problem is that this technology is moving around at speed, and Tosh is on foot with no chance of keeping up. Worse still, … >

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Advs Series 10 Vol 1 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 1 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 1 is comprised of two four-part tales: The World Traders and The Day of the Comet. Both see Tom Baker paired with Louise Jameson’s noble savage Leela. The World Traders After a day’s site-seeing in 21st century London, the Doctor and Leela return to find the TARDIS missing. … >

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Doctor Who: Colony of Fear cover art

Colony of Fear – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 273 audio review

Colony of Fear is the latest outing for Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor, with his doughty companion, Mrs Constance Clarke (Miranda Raison). Answering a distress call, the pair arrive on Triketha to find a nascent research colony under attack by giant insects. The wasp-like creatures have been stinging the humans, rendering them comatose – only for … >

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