Catherine Tate and David Tennant Doctor Who 60th

Doctor Who 60th Anniversary – Tennant and Tate are returning

Ahead of filming, the BBC have announced David Tennant and Catherine Tate’s participation in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary celebrations.  It’s only been a week since we learned that Ncuti Gatwa will be the next Doctor. Now, the BBC have followed the news with the announcement that two of the show’s former stars are returning; … >

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Doctor Who: Stranded 4 audio drama review

With Stranded 4, the Eighth Doctor’s time trapped in London comes to an end in familiar territory and a story telling experiment comes to an end When Big Finish released Stranded 1, a way to tell a different type of story by fixing the TARDIS in place, they picked London in 2020. Fact overtook fiction, and … >

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Doctor Who – The Eighth Of March: Protectors of Time review

For International Women’s Day 2022, Big Finish have created three more adventures led by Doctor Who‘s female heroes.  Back in 2019, Big Finish celebrated International Women’s day with a special release: The Eighth of March. It took the opportunity to bring some of the Doctor’s female allies to the fore in adventures of their own. … >

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The Lone Centurion Volume 2: Camelot – Doctor Who audio review

The Lone Centurion Volume 2: Camelot continues the adventures of Rory Williams, who has taken it upon himself to guard his wife inside the Pandorica.  Doctor Who’s Series 5 finale saw Amy Pond’s luckless (and deceased) fiancé restored to life as an Auton Roman Centurion. Unable to resist his programming, he shot her and placed … >

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Torchwood: Curios cover

Torchwood: Curios review

The deliciously creepy Bilis Manger returns to the Torchwood fray in Curios, the latest release in the monthly audio range. This new adventure continues Big Finish’s efforts to explore interesting corners and unseen episodes in the Torchwood timeline, taking the opportunity to provide fresh perspectives on events that play out before or after known points … >

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Torchwood: Empire of Shadows cover

Torchwood: Empire of Shadows review

The latest monthly release in the Big Finish Torchwood range Empire of Shadows spins the timeline forward into the far-flung future, and flips the spotlight onto a character last heard from in the tenth Doctor TV episode The Satan Pit. Zachary “Zack” Cross Flane was first introduced in the previous series two episode The Impossible … >

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Doctor Who: Scourge of the Cybermen cover art

Scourge of the Cybermen – Doctor Who audio novel review

Scourge of the Cybermen is the first of a new range of “audio novels” – in other words, enhanced audiobooks, as distinct from audio dramas – from Big Finish. Written by Simon Guerrier, it uses the format to tell a “Target books” style story; over more than seven hours, the tale mirrors the structure of … >

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Intergalactic - Sky One

Intergalactic review

Sky One’s new original eight-part space opera acknowledges its debts to its small screen forebears and antecedents without apology. Intergalactic stands squarely in the tradition of shows as far apart in the TV timeline as Blake’s 7 (1978-81) and Firefly (2002). It’s a big, playful, energetic exploration of high-stakes, high-concept sci-fi. And despite the occasional … >

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