Top 10 ‘Doctor Who’ audio releases from Big Finish in 2015

2015 was a pivotal year for Doctor Who on audio. Big Finish, the audio drama company who hold the rights to make classic adventures on audio, had their remit widened to encompass New Series elements up to the end of Matt Smith’s tenure. During the year, the company celebrated the release of their 200th Doctor … >

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Should we see River Song again in ‘Doctor Who’?

Unless you’ve really gone a bit over the top with your spoiler-avoidance, you’ll know that the most recent Doctor Who Christmas special featured the return of Professor River Song after an absence of more than two years. Now that you’ve *hopefully* seen the episode there’s undoubtedly still some questions left to answer. Such as, most … >

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Doctor Who

‘Doctor Who’ gift guide for Christmas 2015

“On every world, wherever people are, in the deepest part of the winter, at the exact mid-point, everybody stops and turns and hugs. As if to say, ‘Well done. Well done, everyone! We’re halfway out of the dark.’ Back on Earth we call this Christmas…” Looking for present ideas for the Doctor Who fan in … >

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10 of the best things The Doctor has ever worn on his face(s)

Well, it seems like the sonic sunglasses are here to stay for the foreseeable in Doctor Who, and not everyone is pleased with that. Some fans have taken to Twitter to moan that an integral part of Doctor Who has been taken away. Of course, it’s really integral. From the Fifth Doctor story ‘The Visitation’ … >

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‘Doctor Who’ countdown: The best Mark Gatiss episodes

Mark Gatiss has notched up seven script credits on Doctor Who so far – making him, other than execs Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies, both the show’s most prolific writer and the only one to have written for all four 21st Century Doctors. Of course, Gatiss’s connection to the show goes much deeper; he … >

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15 of the best UNIT characters in ‘Doctor Who’

The Doctor’s friends at the United Nations Unified Intelligence Taskforce have been a part of the show on and off since they helped the Second Doctor see off the Cybermen in 1969’s ‘The Invasion’. Formed in response to the Yeti attack (‘The Web of Fear’), their remit covers “…the odd, the unexplained. Anything on Earth … >

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Watch David Tennant and Catherine Tate discuss their ‘Doctor Who’ return

Doctor Who stars David Tennant and Catherine Tate chat about reuniting as the Tenth Doctor and companion Donna in a new video interview. The pair will appear together in three new Doctor Who audio dramas next year, Big Finish announced today. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures will be released in May 2016. The three … >

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Tennant and Tate confirmed for new ‘Doctor Who’ audio adventures

Big Finish has officially announced that David Tennant will return as the Tenth Doctor alongside Catherine Tate as companion Donna for three new Doctor Who audio dramas next year. Big Finish executive producer Jason Haigh-Ellery commented: “I still remember the sense of joy I had when I heard that David had been asked to play … >

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John Hurt returns as The War Doctor in new Big Finish audios

Big Finish has announced twelve new full-cast Doctor Who audio plays featuring John Hurt as The War Doctor. Hurt’s Doctor was introduced in 2013’s ‘The Name of the Doctor’ and featured alongside the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors in the 50th anniversary special, ‘The Day of the Doctor’. Big Finish executive producer Jason Haigh-Ellery commented: “I … >

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‘Doctor Who’ ultimate countdown: The Doctors… ranked by eyebrows

Yes. We’re really doing this. The Doctors, ranked by eyebrows. You don’t get this quality of highbrow journalism anywhere else, people. Which incarnation of the Time Lord fares best above the eyes? After all, if you’re going to be staring dramatically at Daleks and trying not to blink at Weeping Angels, you need a good … >

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