Iron Anniversary Game of Thrones

The Iron Anniversary — 10 years of Game of Thrones

HBO brings you The Iron Anniversary marking ten years since they brought Game of Thrones to our screens While we wait for the first Game of Thrones spin-off, HBO is marking the series’s tenth anniversary with a month long Iron Anniversary. You can dig in on the Iron Anniversary site, but we’ve bring you the highlights to get you up to speed. What … >

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Game of Thrones Dunk and Egg

Dunk and Egg — is a Game of Thrones prequel in the offing?

The hunt for the next Game of Thrones continues at HBO as early consideration is given to Dunk and Egg Variety (among others) is reporting (here) on the early development of ideas around a prequel to Game of Thrones. The next step for HBO after the conclusion of eight series of GoT is becoming a saga in its own … >

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