Warzone/Conversion cover artwork

Warzone / Conversion – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 258 audio review

‘Warzone’ and ‘Conversion’, a double header of linked two-parters, close the current monthly adventures storyline. Travelling with Tegan, Nyssa and new companion Marc, the Fifth Doctor finds himself involved in first a deadly race and then seeking out an old foe. Warzone The TARDIS lands amid what they fear is a battle, before realising it … >

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Interstitial / Feast of Fear – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 257 audio review

‘Interstitial’ and ‘Feast of Fear’, a double-header, form the latest Monthly Adventures release. They also sit in the middle of the current trilogy, following the story of new companion, and former Roman slave, Marc (George Watkins) who was introduced in last month’s ‘Tartarus‘. Interstitial Marc gets his first taste of time travel when the TARDIS … >

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Audio Review: Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 256 – Tartarus

September’s second monthly adventure, ‘Tartarus’, provides a good, old fashioned crossover, as Fifth Doctor meets his hero Marcus Tullius Cicero. Reprising the role from his own series, Cicero is again played by Samuel Barnett (Dirk Gently, Torchwood). Set in 63BC, Cicero is Consul of Rome and taking a judicious break from his duties. Inviting themselves … >

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Doctor Who: The Kamelion Empire review

A trio of fifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and Kamelion comes to an end with the Jonathan Morris penned The Kamelion Empire. As the title makes abundantly clear, the central focus is on the shape changing android Kamelion, but not so as to minimise the role of the others. The setting is the world of the … >

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The Four Doctors: Doctor Who actors to attend National Space Centre event

The National Space Centre in Leicester will host a weekend event, The Science of the Time Lords on January 26 and 27. Visitors can meet four actors who played the Doctor in Doctor Who on January 26; fifth doctor Peter Davison, sixth doctor Colin Baker, seventh doctor Sylvester McCoy and eighth doctor Paul McGann. Companion actresses Janet Fielding … >

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Doctor Who: Serpent in the Silver Mask review

Despite reaching its 236th release, the Big Finish Doctor Who main range is as vibrant as ever. In this latest release, David Llewellyn’s Serpent in the Silver Mask, elements of comedy are effortlessly blended with the sinister and a detective mystery, one which the fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) and companions must solve, and quickly, before … >

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Time in Office (Doctor Who Audio) review

Once a year, Big Finish mixes up the main range trilogies with a two-disc release of four separate stories, generally with a single Doctor/ companion team. Whereas previously these have been distinct stories written by different writers, this year’s Time in Office is a set of linked stories for the fifth Doctor and Tegan, all … >

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