Gallifrey Time War 4 cover art

Gallifrey: Time War 4 audio review

Gallifrey: Time War 4 concludes the current storyline for Gallifrey. With Romana lost and Leela returned, former CIA operative Narvin remains an outcast from his home; the planet of the Time Lords now firmly gripped by the resurrected Rassilon. The legendary Time Lord has worn many guises, but perhaps never before that of the handsome … >

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Advs Series 10 Vol 1 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 1 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 1 is comprised of two four-part tales: The World Traders and The Day of the Comet. Both see Tom Baker paired with Louise Jameson’s noble savage Leela. The World Traders After a day’s site-seeing in 21st century London, the Doctor and Leela return to find the TARDIS missing. … >

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Wicked Sisters

Doctor Who: Wicked Sisters audio drama review

Ten years ago, Big Finish had the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) engage in a second search for the Key to Time. As part of this, writer Simon Guerrier created two new companions: Amy (now renamed as Abby) played by Ciara Janson and Zara played by Laura Doddington. Created is the word; Abby and Zara were … >

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The Omega Factor - Divinity - Big Finish

The Omega Factor: Divinity review

Suspected poltergeist activity in a small village outside Liverpool attracts the attention of Tom Crane and Anne Reynolds in this latest audiobook in Big Finish’s The Omega Factor series. It’s a classic setting for the team, and this is a story full of the signature elements that the show’s fans will expect. The drama of … >

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Doctor Who Shadow of the Sun cover

Doctor Who: Shadow of the Sun audio review

Big Finish recorded Shadow of the Sun entirely in lockdown, and released it as well — something for which they should be congratulated. It’s a Fourth Doctor tale, with Leela and K9 in the TARDIS as it lands on a luxury star-liner. For once the only threat is conversation over canapés and cocktails — what could … >

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ATA Girl 2

ATA Girl 2 audio drama review

Big Finish released ATA Girl 2 for International Women’s Day, giving listeners two more compelling stories about the Air Transport Auxillary (ATA). For those who don’t know, the ATA were a group of 168 women pilots who ferried aircraft around the UK during World War II. This adds to the much praised 2018 release ATA Girl … >

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Gallifrey: Time War 3 audio review

Set in a time when Doctor Who fans only had the Time War to worry about, Gallifrey: Time War 3 is now the eleventh set of stories in this range released over a period of sixteen years. Following events in previous boxset, our heroes Romana (Lalla Ward) and Narvin (Sean Carlsen) are now exiled from their home world … >

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Audio Review: Doctor Who Short Trips 9.8 – #HarrySullivan

The latest Short Trip, a satire on celebrity culture, features the popular line-up of the Fourth Doctor, Sarah and Harry. Created in anticipation of the casting of an older Doctor, Harry Sullivan was UNIT’s Medical Officer. A good, old fashioned British gent, he was often the butt of the Doctor’s jokes, and occasional ire, and … >

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