Colourised version of classic Doctor Who episode ‘The Daleks’ coming to DVD, Blu-ray and Steelbook

The Daleks, a 1960s story filmed in black and white, will be available with artistic colourisation on DVD, Blu-ray and Steelbook as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of Doctor Who. Originally transmitted in December 1963 to February 1964, The Daleks were introduced to audiences and soon became one of the Doctor’s most formidable and … >

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Doctor Who - The Daleks

Colourised version of classic Doctor Who episode ‘The Daleks’ coming November 23

The Daleks, a 1960s story filmed in black and white, will be available with artistic colourisation as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of Doctor Who. Originally transmitted in December 1963 to February 1964, The Daleks were introduced to audiences and soon became one of the Doctor’s most formidable and enduring foes. The story follows … >

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The Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant) brandishing his sonic screwdriver

BBC Four to air Doctor Who documentary with David Tennant

As part of the Doctor Who 60th anniversary celebrations, David Tennant time travels back through the BBC archives to tell the story of the Doctor’s classic era in a BBC Four documentary titled Talking Doctor Who. The show will feature a selection of rarely seen interviews and clips covering William Hartnell’s first incarnation right through … >

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Doctor Who: Chronicles – 1963-64 publication now available

A lavish 116-page publication from the makers of Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who: Chronicles – 1963-1964, looks at the stories, people, events and news of this formative period – a time when William Hartnell played the Doctor, and the world was introduced to the Daleks, the TARDIS and an incredible adventure in space and time. The bookazine … >

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Doctor Who Season 2: The Collection Blu-ray announced

The second season of Doctor Who starring William Hartnell is available for pre-order on Blu-ray. The release date for Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 2 Blu-ray, which consists of 37 episodes and many special features has not yet been announced. Billed as the biggest release yet, Season 2 is a limited edition nine-disc box … >

Missing Doctor Who adventure ‘Galaxy Four’ to be animated

Galaxy 4, the mostly-missing serial starring William Hartnell as the First Doctor, will be released as a fully-animated recreation in November. Only the third episode of the four-part adventure released in 1965, Air Lock, and clips from the first episode, Four Hundred Dawns, are known to exist. An animated recreation by Big Finish Creative is … >

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