Russell T Davies teases Doctor Who announcements

In an article he wrote in Doctor Who Magazine 579, Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies teased recent announcements and filming. Despite the wording on the the cover, Davies doesn’t reveal how or why David Tennant (who played the tenth Doctor) and Catherine Tate (Who plays Donna Noble) are back together again filming Doctor Who. … >

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Neil Patrick Harris announced as Doctor Who guest star

Neil Patrick Harris, Emmy and Tony-winning American comedian and star of stage and screen, has joined the cast of Doctor Who and is currently filming scenes set to air in 2023 as part of the show’s 60th anniversary. Harris first became famous playing a teenage doctor in the American television programme Doogie Howser, MD. He … >

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Doctor Who night shoot in Cardiff with two new monsters

A Doctor Who film crew from production company Bad Wolf Ltd filmed David Tennant, Catherine Tate and Yasmin Finney for the second of five night shoots on Axminster Road in Cardiff on 6 June. SPOILERS FOLLOW The film crew moved UNIT (Unified Intelligence Taskforce) vehicles and a taxi into position. #doctorwho #dwsr — sylvia … >

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Russell T Davies to resume writing Production Notes column

In Doctor Who Magazine 578, Russell T Davies promised readers of the magazine that he would resume writing the Production Notes column. His stated plan is to resume the Production Notes column “later this year” but in a article he wrote in the Gallifrey Guardian section of the magazine, he described his grand plan for … >

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Doctor Who filming in Camden: sky invasion, sonic screwdriver and vending machines

A Doctor Who film crew from production company Bad Wolf Ltd filmed Catherine Tate, David Tennant and Yasmin Finney for a night shoot at Camden Market, London on 18 May. Poster props were prepared for the scene. @DoctorWhoPN Posters are back — Patrick Ribeiro-Kavanagh (@KavanaghRibeiro) May 18, 2022 Rachel Talalay arrived to direct. And … >

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