‘The Musketeers’ Season 3 Episode 7 review: ‘Fool’s Gold’

In this episode of The Musketeers, we see desperate people in desperate times doing desperate things. Ok, so that opening interrogation scene was a little mean, but he was a baddie, so I’ll let it pass.  The Musketeers are after the whereabouts of Grimaud, whom they have discovered to be a very naughty man indeed.  … >

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‘Brief Encounters’ Episode 2 review

After last week’s solid introduction, this episode takes strong but subtle steps to fortify the relationships of the women involved, focusing on building their chemistry. As a result, we are treated to some wonderful performances. “Brian, I’ve been to a pub…and I liked it.” Penelope Wilton continues to be the best thing about Brief Encounters, … >

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‘The Living And The Dead’ review: Episode 3 is the scariest yet

Even scarier than the first two episodes, this third instalment of BBC One’s new supernatural drama surrounds the actions of a troubled lad and the all important harvest on which the village of Shepzoy depends. Thanks to a helpful pre-credits catch up, as Nathan (Colin Morgan) strolls across his wheat field, we are reminded that … >

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‘New Blood’ review: Episode 5 is another entertaining hour

The fifth episode of BBC One’s New Blood opens with a very stylish recapping of last week’s events. The selection of ‘previously…’ moments is intercut with the next stage of the story, which in this case is the shocking massacre of a poor innocent teddy bear collection in the hunt for a missing antique.  The … >

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