Everything we know so far about ‘Doctor Who’ Season 9

Doctor Who will return for a new season this autumn. This news summary will be updated regularly as more details are revealed, with the latest updates at the top of each section. Rumours and unconfirmed reports will be marked with a *. > Buy Season 9 on DVD on Amazon. > Buy Season 9 on … >

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What are the cast of ‘Torchwood’ doing now?

Outside the government and beyond the police, Torchwood were ready to fight the future on behalf of the human race for four seasons across 2006 to 2011 before the team was put on indefinite hiatus at the end of US/UK co-production Miracle Day. Thankfully, those good people at Big Finish have begun to reunite the … >

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Brighton Comedy Festival review: David O’Doherty

David O’Doherty arrives, as presumably he always has done, seemingly somewhat surprised to see us. The keyboard is at hand, although not used constantly throughout the hour, as he gets distracted by one thought process colliding into another. He warns us, in an entirely casual and low rent way, that he’s getting too big for … >

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Michelle Gomez as Missy

Should Missy have her own ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off series?

Doctor Who star Michelle Gomez was engaging in an entertaining Q&A on Twitter last weekend. Almost inevitably, the possibility of a spin-off series for Missy was mooted, something that Gomez sounded enthusiastic about. There have of course been several spin-off series from Doctor Who before – two of them being led by the great Elisabeth … >

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Casino Royale

James Bond retrospective 021: ‘Casino Royale’ (2006)

Serving as a quasi-reboot in 2006, this 21st entry in the franchise presents James Bond as a reaction to the glitzy excess of 2002’s Die Another Day and the gritty success of Jason Bourne, and it arguably couldn’t have been more successful. > Buy the complete James Bond collection on Blu-ray.   The plot James … >

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