The Ninth Doctor Adventures

The Ninth Doctor and Rose reunite for a new audio drama series

Big Finish announced a series of audio adventures starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.  Twenty years ago, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper reinvigorated Saturday evenings with their starring roles on Doctor Who. As the traumatised Ninth Doctor and his new companion Rose Tyler, the pair visited the end of the world, met Charles Dickens and … >

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Ninth Doctor & Rose, Tenth Doctor & Donna

Remastered Doctor Who Series 1-4 Blu-ray coming in November

Newly-upscaled versions of sixty Doctor Who episodes from the Ninth and Tenth Doctor’s eras are coming to Blu-ray to celebrate the programme’s 60th anniversary year. A trailer was released for the set celebrating the first five years of the Doctor Who revival from 2005-2010. The collection includes every episode and special from the first four … >

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Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon Vol 3 - Trapped cover artwork crop

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon – cover and story details for Trapped

For her third series of solo adventures, Rose finds herself trapped in an alternate reality.  During Doctor Who‘s 2008 series, viewers were aware of Rose Tyler’s efforts to reunite with the Doctor. Using a “dimension cannon”, she trekked through alternate realties to warn him of the impending threat of Davros and the Daleks’ reality ending … >

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Billie Piper returns for more of Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon (updated)

Audio producers Big Finish announce two more volumes of the reality hopping Doctor Who spin-off.  Updated 18/02/22 – Big Finish have revealed the cover art and story details for Rose Tyler – The Dimension Cannon: Other Worlds. The first of two new volumes, continuing Rose’s inter-dimensional search for the Doctor, Other Worlds is comprised of … >

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Billie Piper rules out a return to Doctor Who

In an interview in the April issue of Total Film Magazine, Billie Piper ruled out an official return to the Doctor Who television programme. “I couldn’t. [It’s] so much work! It’s the face of a family show and that’s a lot of responsibility that I’m not comfortable with.” Piper played Christopher Eccleston’s ninth Doctor’s companion … >

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Join David Tennant and Catherine Tate for live tweets during Doctor Who watch-along

Following six successful fan watch-longs, Doctor Who Magazine writer Emily Cook has organized another communal fan watch-along and live tweet-along of the Doctor Who series 4 two-part story The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End with David Tennant (the Doctor) and Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness), Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones), writer Russell … >

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Audio Review: Rose Tyler – The Dimension Cannon

From her surprise reappearance in ‘Partners in Crime’ to their dramatic reunion, Doctor Who teased Rose’s return throughout Series 4. The Dimension Cannon box set fills that gap in the Doctor Who canon, following Rose’s quest thought parallel universes to find him. Returning with Billie Piper are Camille Coduri and Shaun Dingwall, the latter making … >

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