Best Doctor Who social media posts from the Gallifrey One convention

The Gallifrey One convention took place at the Marriott Los Angeles Airport from 18-20 February, 2022. This Doctor Who convention feels unique in how it is run and the genuine good fellowship experienced by guests and attendees alike. Some of the more famous guests who attended are actors Sylvester McCoy (the Doctor), Frazer Hines (Jamie … >

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Big Finish announce a further renewal of their Doctor Who licence

The prolific audio producers at Big Finish will be making Doctor Who audio dramas until at least 2030!  In news guaranteed to gladden the heart of Doctor Who audiophiles, if not their bank managers, Big Finish have announced that they have renewed their Doctor Who licence. The company have the go ahead to create audio … >

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Sylvester McCoy cast in Rob Zombie’s The Munsters

The Seventh Doctor actor will play Igor, the family’s loyal servant on the upcoming movie.  Thanks to director Rob Zombie’s socials, news has broken that Sylvester McCoy is playing Igor, the Munsters’ manservant, in his upcoming film. The announcement was accompanied by a shot of McCoy in costume, dressed as a heavily bewhiskered. He’s busy … >

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Doctor Who: Time Fracture to include all Doctors

Six original Doctor actors have recorded cameos for the upcoming immersive theatre experience Doctor Who: Time Fracture. Jodie Whittaker, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Jo Martin will all feature in pre-recorded cameos for the production. David Bradley will cameo as the first Doctor. Michael Troughton will voice his father Patrick Troughton’s … >

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Doctor Who Season 24: The Collection Blu-ray range announced

Sylvester McCoy’s first season as the Seventh Doctor, featuring a full season of Bonnie Langford as Melanie Bush, is the next release to come to Blu-ray with The Collection: Season 24. Doctor Who writer Pete McTighe (Kerblam!, Praxeus) wrote a special announcement trailer for Season 24 featuring Bonnie Langford, Sylvester McCoy and many more in … >

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