Chloe Decker season 6 Lucifer

Chloe Decker — all our theories for Lucifer season 6

Lucifer season 6 brings the show to a close, and before it arrives we thought we’d collect together all our theories as to what might happen, and we found they almost all involve Chloe Decker While Tom Ellis is the star of Lucifer and the central thread of season 6 may be about his coming to … >

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Comic picture of Star Trek's Sulu wearing headphones

The CultBox Podcast Roundup – August 2021

Welcome to the CultBox Podcast roundup for August 2021 Our favourites this month have included… 14 for 14 (The Doctor Who Show Presents…) The ever-entertaining Australian podcast The Doctor Who Show, with its genial hosts Rob and Dave, presents a special episode in reaction to the (not so shocking) revelation that Jodie Whittaker is set … >

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Lucifer season 6 episode 3 Yabba Dabba Do Me

Yabba Dabba Do Me — spoilers (mild) for that Lucifer episode

Since the Lucifer season 6 trailers, there has been a lot of fan speculation, with Yabba Dabba Do Me gathering more than most The Lucifer season 6 trailer has plenty of WOW! moments, but perhaps one of the biggest is the animated section (see above, or just rewatch the trailer!) When the animated segment appeared, and fans began … >

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War of the Worlds (2019) (Fox : Canal+)

War of the Worlds (2019) — bringing you up to speed

If you didn’t know, it’s possible to watch War of the Worlds (2019) in the UK — time to remind you about this series and bring the most recent news A few years ago, both the BBC and Fox Networks / StudioCanal were developing versions of the classic HG Wells novel War of the Worlds. We’ve … >

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Netflix evolution (logos)

Netflix evolution — the mid-year figures in perspective

Netflix earnings figures have disappointed many observers, and the streamer is called-our for ‘losing momentum’. Even with the impact of the pandemic, it’s clear things have changed, but we see that as continued Netflix evolution at work We been mulling over the Netflix quarterly earnings (which you can find on their corporate site) and debated … >

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The CultBox Podcast Roundup – July 2021

Welcome to the CultBox Podcast roundup for July 2021. Our favourites this month have included… From Queer to Eternity #11 – Samuel Barnett Hosted by prolific Big Finish director/producer Scott Handcock, From Queer to Eternity features conversations with guests from across the LGBTQ+ community, sharing stories of their experiences and exploring what it means to … >

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