Doctor Who Series 11 Finale: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

The tenth and final episode of Doctor Who Series 11 is titled The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos. On the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos, lies the remains of a brutal battlefield.  But as the Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan answer nine separate distress calls, they discover the planet holds far more secrets. Who is the … >

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Doctor Who series 11: Julie Hesmondhalgh says political correctness criticism is ‘bollocks’

There’s been recent mutterings about the new series of Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker’s first in the title role, being too politically correct – and incoming guest star Julie Hesmondhalgh has some thoughts.. Hesmondhalgh, known for Coronation Street and Broadchurch, was asked by Digital Spy and a handful of other press members what her thoughts were on the criticism that Doctor … >

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Death and Nightingales: BBC drama release date announced

The BBC’s adaptation of Eugene McCabe’s novel, Death and Nightingales is set to start at the end of the month as we’ve now got a trailer and a release date… It’s programmed to kick off on Wednesday 28th November at 9pm, and the trailer to sate your appetite until then, looks a little like this… As previously announced Death … >

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Star Trek Discovery: Michelle Yeoh spinoff in the works

After the announcement that Patrick Stewart will resume his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in his own Star Trek Discovery spin-off, Michelle Yeoh might be next in line to lead her own vehicle… The Crazy Rich Asians star is in talks with CBS All Access to front her own series, which would continue her character, Captain Emperor Georgiou’s adventures … >

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