The Long Song: first look at BBC drama revealed

The BBC have given us our first look at their forthcoming adaptation of Andrea Levy’s The Long Song, which will air either at the end of the year or early 2019… The Long Song is set during the final days of slavery in 19th century Jamaica and tells the story of the strong-willed, young slave July on a … >

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The Interrogation of Tony Martin: release date confirmed

The Interrogation of Tony Martin, a new drama about the English farmer who notoriously shot a teenager burglar dead, is set to air on Channel 4 at the end of the month… The drama follows the “missing part” of Martin’s story when he, in 1999, shot 16-year-old Fred Barras when the teen was caught burgling … >

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Deadly Class: Russo brothers’ TV series gets a trailer

The Deadly Class TV show – all about a private school for crime lords’ kids – is the latest comic book adaptation from the Russo Brothers, the directors of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4. You can check out the trailer now.

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The end of Mrs Brown’s Boys has been teased

The comedy where a man plays the mother of his real-life wife may be on its final strait. Mrs Brown’s Boys, created by and starring Brendan O’Carroll, could finally be reaching its final episode in 2020. That’s when the contract for the show comes to an end. The BBC had ordered a bunch of Christmas … >

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The Doctor Who Fan Service Hot Line Week 5: The Tsuranga Conundrum

Woah. We’re halfway there. Woah. Caught me unawares. Reduced episode count but we’ll make it I swear. Woah. Ending on a prayer. Press 1 if you felt the conundrum aspect of this episode was overemphasised. Press 2 if you noticed Chibnall’s cunning trick of distracting us from this week’s implant device by using a word that sounded a bit … >

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Doctor Who Series 11: seventh episode titled Kerblam!

The title a photo and synopsis for the seventh episode of Doctor Who series 11, Kerblam! was announced in a BBC press release: “Delivery for the Doctor!” A mysterious message arrives in a package addressed to the Doctor, leading her, Graham, Yaz and Ryan to investigate the warehouse moon orbiting Kandoka, and the home of … >

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Mr Bean has become a huge YouTube hit, and won some prize or other

Who knew? Apparently, YouTube has something called a Diamond Play button, that it awards to channels that have 10 million subscribers or more. Presumably, this is reserved for generally young people who play computer games primarily, or very rich musicians. But heck: what do you know, Mr Bean has gone and bagged one. Furthermore, just … >

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