Billie Piper & David Tennant in Doctor Who 'Fear Her'

Missing Tenth Doctor story ‘Fear Her’ returns to BBC iPlayer

2006’s ‘Fear Her’ has been revoiced, removing the disgraced broadcaster Huw Edwards.  Updated 16/02/25: As the Tenth Doctor would doubtless say… “I’m Sorry, I’m So Sorry.” For reasons as yet unexplained, ‘Fear Her’ is temporarily unavailable again, with the iPlayer link diverting to an episode listing on the main BBC website instead. We’ll keep you … >

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David Harewood

Pierre – David Harewood to star in new contemporary legal drama

The show takes place in the world of a duty solicitor who uncovers a chilling web of institutional corruption.  Channel 4 have announced a new legal drama headlined by David Harewood. Pierre comes from writers Roy Williams (Soon Gone: A Windrush Chronicle) and John Donnelly (Utopia). Here’s the synopsis for Pierre: West London duty solicitor … >

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Channel 4’s cyber-thriller The Undeclared War returns for series 2

Simon Pegg and Hannah Khalique-Brown return for series 2 of the cyber-thriller.  Channel 4 has announced a second series of The Undeclared War. The new six-part run of the cyber-thriller comes from writer Colin Teevan (Das Boot), with Paul McGuigan (Inside Man) directing. Series 1 was presaged with a chilling faux-Prime Ministerial broadcast, so look out for … >

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Daisy Haggard

Channel 4 announces new dramas from Jack Thorne, Daisy Haggard

Jack Thorne brings us a forbidden love story, while Daisy Haggard heads into witness protection.  As part of a raft of new commissions, Channel 4 has confirmed that the celebrated writer Jack Thorne (Toxic Town, Lord of the Flies) has penned them a new original series. Falling is Thorne’s first love story and described as … >

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The Fifth Doctor Adventures - Hooklight 1 cover art

Doctor Who: Hooklight – Big Finish announce an epic Fifth Doctor tale (updated)

Told across two box sets, Hooklight stars the Season 19 TARDIS crew.  Updated 12/02/25: Hooklight first trailer! Ahead of its April launch, Big Finish have revealed our first glimpse of Hooklight, in an auditory sense that is. Launching in April 2025, writer Tim Foley’s twelve-part tale promises a great quest for the Fifth Doctor and his … >

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Fear - Martin Compston

Fear – trailer for Martin Compston’s new neighbour from hell thriller

The show adapts Dirk Kurbjuweit’s book of the same name.  It’s that time of year again when we remember that Martin Compston is actually Scottish. The Line of Duty star headlines Prime Video’s new psychological thriller series Fear. Set in Glasgow, the story follows Compston’s Martyn and his wife Rebecca, played by Anjli Mohindra. They … >

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The Sixth Doctor Adventures - The Cosmos and Mrs Clarke cover art crop

Big Finish announce a rematch for the Sixth Doctor & Iris Wildthyme

The transtemporal adventuress returns in a new Doctor Who audio drama from her creator Paul Magrs.  The long history of Doctor Who is sprinkled with big characters, some with even bigger personalities. Two of the largest are surely Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor and Katy Manning as Iris Wildthyme. Iris Wildthyme While onscreen, Ms Manning played … >

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Magic: The Gathering

Magic: The Gathering is coming to television and Cinema

The popular card game plans to invade our screens thanks to a partnership with Legendary Entertainment.  In news picked up via the excellent, we’ve learned that Magic: The Gathering has plans to conquer new mediums. Created in 1993, Magic: The Gathering is recognised as the world’s first trading card game. Players take on the role … >

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Big Mood

Nicola Coughlan and Lydia West return for more Big Mood

Maggie and Eddie are back as Big Mood is scores a second series commission.  From Derry Girls to Bridgerton, Barbie to festive Doctor Who, Nicola Coughlan’s star continues to burn brightly. Last year she paired with Lydia West (It’s A Sin, Inside Man) for Big Mood, and Channel 4 have just confirmed the show’s return. Together they … >

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