‘The Get Down’ review: Have Netflix done it again?

When it comes to creating captivating original content, Netflix have been on a serious roll as of late. They have produced hit after hit, from documentary Making a Murderer to the retro Stranger Things, building on the successes of the already ridiculously popular House of Cards and Orange is the New Black. And it is for good reason … >

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‘Our Girl’ review: Season 2 Episode 2 throws us straight into the action

After last week’s introduction to the life of Lance Corporal Georgie Lane (Michelle Keegan) and her capture while on a humanitarian mission, the action kicks into high gear almost immediately. But can the episode maintain the pace? “Has anyone got eyes on Lane?” Georgie’s capture by terrorists at the end of last week’s episode throws … >

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‘The Great British Bake Off’ 2016 recap: Week 3

So, 350 years after London burned down when a fire began in a bakers, things heat up in the Bake Off tent. The contestants have a (bakers) dozen problems, but a brioche ain’t one.  It’s Bread Week, and as Paul sombrely tells us, the Star Baker of Bread Week has always gone on to the … >

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‘Victoria’ Episode 4 review: ‘The Clockwork Prince’

I kind of wish the writers of Victoria weren’t so keen to remind us at every turn that the queen and the insufferable Albert (Tom Hughes) are cousins. We get it; they didn’t think it was weird back then. But it’s creepy. So creepy. Historical fact be damned, Vic, don’t marry that dude! He’s your … >

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‘Poldark’ review: The stakes get higher in Season 2 Episode 2

Ross Poldark likes to think of himself as a man of the people. But here’s the 64,000 Shilling question Poldark poses to us this week: can Ross really trust ‘the people’? Well, he can’t trust the viewing people. Half of them are watching Victoria on ITV. And before you start, that’s no bad thing at … >

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