Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: August 2016 reviews round-up

While we are still recovering from last month’s superb era mash-up of  ‘Classic Doctors, New Monsters’, Big Finish takes another of their ranges into unknown territory as Bernice Summerfield enters ‘The Unbound Universe’; a parallel dimension where David Warner is the Doctor. Meanwhile, Gwen Cooper wraps up Torchwood’s second audio season with ‘Made You Look’ – … >

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Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: July 2016 reviews round-up

Another busy month in the worlds of Doctor Who audio sees the release of Classic Doctors: New Monsters Volume 1, pairing Doctors Five, Six, Seven and Eight against new series foes including the Judoon, the Sycorax and the Weeping Angels. Meanwhile, Torchwood’s ‘Broken’ reunites fan favourite Ianto Jones with Captain Jack Harkness for a clever … >

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5 more classic ‘Doctor Who’ monsters and villains who should return

As well as the inevitable Daleks and Cybermen, we’ve had Sontarans, Silurians, Davros and the Master return in the modern era of Doctor Who. More recently, we’ve seen Ice Warriors, The Great Intelligence and Zygons. Even the Macra made a fleeting return in ‘Gridlock’. Following our previous look at classic monsters who are overdue a … >

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5 modern ‘Doctor Who’ monsters and villains who should return

Since 2005, Doctor Who has done an impressive job of updating its classic monsters, with Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans and Zygons all receiving a makeover. The show has also added some terrific creations too, with the likes of the Slience, the Ood and the Weeping Angels. Following our recent look at some forgotten classics, here are … >

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Why has ITV never found its own ‘Doctor Who’?

This month brought the sad news that fantasy adventure series Jekyll and Hyde has been cancelled after only one season due to disappointing ratings. Charlie Higson’s ten-part drama was the latest in a line of ITV shows to have aired over the past decade that have tried to ape the family-friendly success of Doctor Who. … >

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Top 10 ‘Doctor Who’ audio releases from Big Finish in 2015

2015 was a pivotal year for Doctor Who on audio. Big Finish, the audio drama company who hold the rights to make classic adventures on audio, had their remit widened to encompass New Series elements up to the end of Matt Smith’s tenure. During the year, the company celebrated the release of their 200th Doctor … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 finale review: Our thoughts on ‘Hell Bent’

We’ve now had some Time and breathing Space to re-watch (and re-re-watch) and ponder on this year’s Doctor Who finale, ‘Hell Bent’. Frankly it was needed. An immediate reaction would likely have been 50% dribbling. This review will probably only be 15-20% dribbling. Season 9’s first episode, ‘The Magician’s Apprentice’, was the stuff that fan-fiction … >

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