Gareth Roberts hopes to return for ‘Doctor Who’ Season 9

Gareth Roberts wants to write an episode for the next season of Doctor Who. Roberts has previously written six Doctor Who episodes, including ‘The Shakespeare Code’, ‘The Lodger’ and most recently ‘The Caretaker’, as well as many episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Speaking exclusively to CultBox, he revealed: “I would hope [to return for … >

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Peter Harness hoping to return for ‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 ep

Peter Harness wants to write another Doctor Who episode for the next season. The Wallander writer’s first Doctor Who episode, ‘Kill the Moon’, aired on Saturday night. Speaking exclusively to CultBox, Harness revealed: “I’d love to write for Doctor Who for as long as I possibly can, whenever and if-ever they decide that they’ll have … >

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Missy - Michelle Gomez

Who is Missy in ‘Doctor Who’?

She’s the malign Mary Poppins played by Michelle Gomez that first popped up at the end of ‘Deep Breath’ for a spot of brolly-brandishing bonkersness. But who the hell is she? Publicity for Season 8 has described Missy as ‘the Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere’ – the Nethersphere presumably being the sought-after ‘Promised Land’ – but what … >

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Jemma Redgrave keen for ‘Doctor Who’ UNIT spin-off

Doctor Who actress Jemma Redgrave has revealed she’d be up for a spin-off featuring her character Kate Stewart and UNIT scientist Osgood, played by Ingrid Oliver. Discussing the idea of a spin-off with Blogtor Who at London Film & Comic Con, Redgrave teased: “Your mouth to god’s ears! Who knows? Waft that thought over in … >

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Tom Baker (‘Doctor Who’ on Horror Channel) interview

Classic episodes of Doctor Who begin airing on the Horror Channel today, launching with the very first story, ‘An Unearthly Child’, followed by one story from each of the first seven Doctors over the Easter weekend. Double-bills of classic Doctor Who will then air in daytime and evening slots each day in chronological order starting … >

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