Mind of the Hodiac – Doctor Who The Lost Stories audio review

Thanks to a lucky lockdown discovery Mind of the Hodiac, Russell T Davies’ earliest script for Doctor Who, gains a new life on audio.  Unearthed while he was preparing for one of the Doctor Who: Lockdown! live tweetalongs, Mind of the Hodiac was a speculative script for mid-1980s Doctor Who. Featuring Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor … >

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Billie Piper returns for more of Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon (updated)

Audio producers Big Finish announce two more volumes of the reality hopping Doctor Who spin-off.  Updated 18/02/22 – Big Finish have revealed the cover art and story details for Rose Tyler – The Dimension Cannon: Other Worlds. The first of two new volumes, continuing Rose’s inter-dimensional search for the Doctor, Other Worlds is comprised of … >

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The First Doctor Adventures – The Outlaws audio review

Stephen Noonan makes his Big Finish debut as the First Doctor.  To begin a new era for the character, Big Finish have made the bold decision to cast a new First Doctor. Enter Stephen Noonan, character actor and former member of the RSC, to give his take on the wily, witty and wilful original occupant … >

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The CultBox Podcast Roundup – March 2022

Welcome to the CultBox Podcast Roundup for March 2022.  Our favourite podcasts this month in the worlds of film and tv have included, in no particular order… The Two Shot Podcast, S9 Ep15 – Claire Rushbrook The wonderfully down to earth Claire Rushbrook talked to Craig Parkinson on balancing life and family, and about her … >

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Doctor Who – The Eighth Of March: Protectors of Time review

For International Women’s Day 2022, Big Finish have created three more adventures led by Doctor Who‘s female heroes.  Back in 2019, Big Finish celebrated International Women’s day with a special release: The Eighth of March. It took the opportunity to bring some of the Doctor’s female allies to the fore in adventures of their own. … >

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Doctor Who novel Watchers by Matthew Waterhouse is released

The actor has penned a tale featuring Adric and the Fourth Doctor vs the Daleks.  Written and narrated by Matthew Waterhouse, Doctor Who: Watchers is the second ‘audio novel’ from Big Finish. These enhanced audio books aim to recreate the feel of the beloved Target novelisations of the 1970s and 80s. After the success of … >

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The Diary of River Song Series 9 audio drama review

In series 8 of her Diary, River Song (Alex Kingston) was in the company of robots, now, in The Diary of River Song series 9 New Recruit, she’s back in more familiar (to fans) territory — the era of the third Doctor Big Finish may reasonably be accused of overusing the motif of River back in the life of a … >

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Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 8 audio review

The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 8 sees two new four-parters for Tim Treloar as the Doctor. Conspiracy in Space sees a return for the Draconians in a follow-up to the 1973 tale Frontier in Space. Meanwhile, The Devil’s Hoofprints finds the Doctor and Sarah back in the 19th century for a monstrous encounter. The Eve … >

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Dalek Universe 3 boxset cover art

Dalek Universe 3 – Doctor Who audio boxset review

Dalek Universe 3 concludes the Tenth Doctor’s sojourn in a pre-Time War, Terry Nation inspired universe. After being drawn back, sans-TARDIS, the Doctor has been seeking a way to his own time. He has been aided in this quest by Space Security Service agent Anya Kingdom, with whom he has a complicated history. However, at … >

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