Doctor Who Series 12: what to make of the rumours

On November 1, The Mirror reported that the Doctor Who special for Series 11 will air on New Year’s Day of 2019 rather than on Christmas day. “Doctor Who will not have a Christmas Day outing this year for the first time since the reboot in 2005. Instead, 13th Time Lord Jodie Whittaker will have an … >

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Doctor Who, Demons of the Punjab: cast list, demons named

The guest cast list for the sixth episode of Doctor Who, Series 11, Demons of the Punjab was released: Shobna Gulati: Najia Khan, Yaz’s mother Ravin J Ganatra: Hakim Khan, Yaz’s father Bhavnisha Parmar: Sonya Khan, Yaz’s sister Leena Dhingra: Nani Umbreen, Yaz’s grandmother Amita Suman: Umbreen, Yaz’s grandmother 1947 Shane Zaza: Prem  Hamza Jeetooa: Manish Shaheen Khan: Hasna Barbara Fadden, Almak, likely a demon … >

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Doctor Who, Arachnids in the UK: behind the scenes photos

Quite a few of the cast and crew of the fourth episode of Doctor Who Series 11, Arachnids in the UK posted photos from the production on their social media accounts. Who getting excited for #Halloween ? #BetterThanXmas you wound think I’m terrified of #Spiders 😨 — Danny Hargreaves (@Dannysfx) October 18, 2018 Waiting … >

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Doctor Who, Arachnids in the UK: new information and photos

New information has emerged about the fourth episode of Doctor Who Series 11, Arachnids in the UK. Information about Chris Noth’s Character, “brash”American millionaire Jack Robertson from TV & Satellite Week: His business practices come under suspicion when giant spiders overrun his brand-new luxury hotel on the outskirts of Sheffield, but he’s more worried about … >

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