Doctor Who producer: Russell T Davies is writing “his best-ever work”

In Doctor Who Magazine Special 63, Bad Wolf executive producer Julie Gardner was asked what she worries about most amid concerns about increased audience expectations in regard to production values seen in Marvel and Disney television productions. “There’s only one worry on Doctor Who: that production delivers on the extraordinary quality of Russell’s writing,” Gardner … >

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Doctor Who Magazine Special 63: Showrunners

The latest Special Edition of Doctor Who Magazine examines what each Doctor Who producer brought to the role and gains exclusive new insights from their colleagues. Doctor Who’s 60-year journey was launched by producer Verity Lambert; the series, in turn, served as the springboard for her own remarkable career. Since then, a further 12 producers … >

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Doctor Who rumour: UNIT to feature in new spin-off series

According to Nicola Methven, TV editor of the Mirror, a new Doctor Who spin-off starring Jemma Redgrave will follow the adventures of UNIT, the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. UNIT is an international organisation, first seen in the 1968 Doctor Who episode The Invasion, to investigate and combat paranormal and extraterrestrial threats to the planet Earth Jemma … >

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David Tennant Doctor Who sketch coming for Red Nose Day

According to behind-the-scenes photos from a March 3 photo shoot by photographer David Emery posted on Getty Images, David Tennant will appear in a Doctor Who sketch for Red Nose Day, Friday 17 March 2023. Red Nose Day is an annual fundraising campaign created by Comic Relief to end child poverty throughout the world. The … >

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Doctor Who - The Eighth of March: Strange Chemistry cover art crop

Caitlin Blackwood returns as Amelia Pond for Big Finish (updated)

A teenage Amelia encounters Missy and Leela meets Marie Curie in a new audio drama boxset for International Women’s Day – The Eighth of March: Strange Chemistry.  Updated 05/03/23: Ahead of the box set’s release this week, there’s now a trailer abroad. It gives us a first chance to hear Catlin Blackwood as the teenage … >

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