Doctor Who on Forces TV – twelve classic stories

Further to the recent announcement, we now have a list of the stories Forces TV viewers can look forward to.  After the exciting news that a selection of classic Doctor Who stories from the 1970s and 80s are coming to Forces TV, we were left with a puzzle – what would they show? Thanks to … >

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Classic Doctor Who is coming to Forces TV

The UK free-to-air channel beings a run of classic Doctor Who stories this month.  Forces TV have announced that they will be showing a run of twelve stories from the classic era of Doctor Who. With BBC repeats a rarity and access to these episodes otherwise needing a subscription or a boxset budget, it’s great … >

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Doctor Who novel Watchers by Matthew Waterhouse is released

The actor has penned a tale featuring Adric and the Fourth Doctor vs the Daleks.  Written and narrated by Matthew Waterhouse, Doctor Who: Watchers is the second ‘audio novel’ from Big Finish. These enhanced audio books aim to recreate the feel of the beloved Target novelisations of the 1970s and 80s. After the success of … >

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Doctor Who: Hornet's Nest

Fourth Doctor audio adventure to be released on vinyl

Long before the Tenth Doctor’s adventure in The Unicorn and the Wasp, the Doctor encountered alien Vespids in Hornet’s Nest, a fourth Doctor audio adventure recorded in 2010. The unique audio was Tom Baker’s remarkable first return to the role of the Doctor since his television departure. In May of 2022, Hornet’s Nest will be … >

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 2 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 2 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Volume 2 sees Tom Baker and Louise Jameson return for a further pair of four-part adventures. Fresh from Volume 1‘s 21st century finances and doomed world, here we have time-travel antics and impossible dinosaurs! The Tribulations of Thadeus Nook Writer Andrew Smith’s tale sees the Doctor on the trail … >

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Classic Doctors New Monsters 2

Doctor Who: Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 2 review

In their second set of stories blending so-called classic Doctors with new series monsters, Big Finish has mixed things up to an extent. There are still four stories, but a slight change to the set of Doctors, and one monster appearing twice. First up John Dorney brings us Night of the Vashta Nerada, bringing the … >

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