Doctor Who: Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 3 audio review

Welcome to Classic Doctors New Monsters 3: The Stuff of Nightmares.  “There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things! Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought!” So said the Second Doctor. While his monstrous foes often only make a single onscreen appearance, we often … >

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The Second Doctor Adventures: Beyond War Games audio review

Michael Troughton inherits his father’s role as Big Finish enliven a niche of Doctor Who continuity. A greying Second Doctor working for the Time Lords with an older Jamie in tow? While fans delighted at Patrick Troughton’s return for ‘The Two Doctors’, building on his appearance in the show’s 20th Anniversary Special, it was a … >

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Classic Doctors New Monsters – Big Finish announce two more volumes

There’s a fresh line-up of familiar foes with unexpected Doctors!  Across their wide output of Doctor Who audios, every classic series Doctor now has their own range at Big Finish. Either with the original actor or judiciously recast, each incarnation appears in full-cast drama boxsets. While they often encounter period-appropriate threats, it’s also immense fun … >

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Doctor Who – Big Finish casts another new First Doctor

Stephen Noonan is taking on the role first created by William Hartnell.  While we wait for news of Jodie Whittaker’s successor to be announced, presumably sometime prior to filming on Series 14, Big Finish have installed another First Doctor in the TARDIS. Over the past few years the company, makers of officially licensed audio dramas … >

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The Diary of River Song Series 9 audio drama review

In series 8 of her Diary, River Song (Alex Kingston) was in the company of robots, now, in The Diary of River Song series 9 New Recruit, she’s back in more familiar (to fans) territory — the era of the third Doctor Big Finish may reasonably be accused of overusing the motif of River back in the life of a … >

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Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 8 audio review

The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 8 sees two new four-parters for Tim Treloar as the Doctor. Conspiracy in Space sees a return for the Draconians in a follow-up to the 1973 tale Frontier in Space. Meanwhile, The Devil’s Hoofprints finds the Doctor and Sarah back in the 19th century for a monstrous encounter. The Eve … >

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The Third Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 6 audio review

Big Finish has a justly deserved reputation for quality audio drama, recreating favourite Cult television shows. Even they can’t match their own high standards every time, which is why a more average release stands out from the crowd. May 2020’s Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 06 is at best average, and shows even Big … >

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Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time review

Big Finish have been creating Doctor Who audio adventures for twenty years. During that time, they have worked with multiple Doctors, most of the companions and a whole host of popular characters and villains from the television series, as well as creating a universe of their own. As is traditional, this milestone is being celebrated … >

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Doctor Who: Third Doctor Adventures Volume 5 review

This fifth set of third Doctor adventures delivers two milestones and both in the first story. Alongside Kay Manning’s Jo Grant and Tim Treloar’s Doctor, we now have a recast Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Jon Culshaw) and Liz Shaw (Daisy Ashford, daughter of Caroline John who played the part originally). It’s also two intriguing two-disc stories. Writer … >

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