Mike Myers new show is The Pentaverate

The Pentaverate — Mike Myers series gets official title and cast

Mike Myers’s Netflix comedy series is confirmed as The Pentaverate and cast details are confirmed Thanks to Variety, we now have cast details (and a confirmed name) for The Pentaverate, a Mike Myers (Saturday Night Live, Wayne’s World, Shrek, Austin Powers) creation coming to Netflix. It’s a not unexpected crazy plot: …five men have been working to influence world … >

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Lucifer treats for Geeked Week

Lucifer treats from Geeked Week Day 3

There were two great Lucifer treats for Lucifans on Netflix Geeked Week Day 3 — we bring you the details No big reveals for season 6 (of course, it would be too soon) but a good effort from the team to pull together some fun videos. First up was a season 5 blooper reel. We’re the … >

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The Trick

The Trick — new thriller stars Jason Watkins and Victoria Hamilton

BBC One announces The Trick, a landmark film that tells the real life story of the ‘Climategate Scandal’ from 2009 Produced by Vox Pictures, the team behind the critically acclaimed Keeping Faith, and written by Bafta-nominated Owen Sheers (The Snow Spider, Aberfan: The Green Hollow) The Trick tells the story of world-renowned Professor Philip Jones; … >

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Vikings: Valhalla BTS (Geeked Week)

Vikings: Valhalla BTS reveal (Geeked Week news)

Netflix Geeked Week Day 1 brings a Vikings: Valhalla BTS (Behind The Scenes) treat, hosted by Sam Corlett There’s plenty to look out for during the first Netflix Geeked Week, and one that caught our eye was the Vikings: Valhalla BTS (Behind The Scenes) video. If you click through this Tweet from @NetflixGeeked, you can see the one minute sequence (which … >

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