Mind of the Hodiac – Doctor Who The Lost Stories audio review

Thanks to a lucky lockdown discovery Mind of the Hodiac, Russell T Davies’ earliest script for Doctor Who, gains a new life on audio.  Unearthed while he was preparing for one of the Doctor Who: Lockdown! live tweetalongs, Mind of the Hodiac was a speculative script for mid-1980s Doctor Who. Featuring Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor … >

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The First Doctor Adventures – The Outlaws audio review

Stephen Noonan makes his Big Finish debut as the First Doctor.  To begin a new era for the character, Big Finish have made the bold decision to cast a new First Doctor. Enter Stephen Noonan, character actor and former member of the RSC, to give his take on the wily, witty and wilful original occupant … >

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The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 11: Solo audio review

Tom Baker goes Solo in his latest boxset of audio adventures.  Solo is the latest outing for Tom Baker’s irrepressible Fourth Doctor. Set after ‘The Deadly Assassin’, so post-Sarah Jane, pre-Leela, it sees the Time Lord traveling without a companion. However, he makes a few allies along the way, naturally. Blood of the Time Lords … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Old Friends – audio boxset review

Old Friends is the last in the first batch of Big Finish’s adventures for Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor.  As the cover makes clear, and indeed they concealed until release, it features a further encounter with the Cybermen. Not only that, but this incarnation of the Doctor enjoys a first encounter with his stalwart ally Brigadier … >

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Triffids! A new innovative take on the John Wyndham classic

The Triffids are coming in a new stage production (and audio drama) as Platform 4’s show tours the UK. Humanity beware, there’s a new outbreak of monstrous vegetation throughout the country! A new production which adapts John Wyndham’s classic novel The Day of the Triffids into an immersive stage show has arrived. Triffids! features a … >

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The Lone Centurion Volume 2: Camelot – Doctor Who audio review

The Lone Centurion Volume 2: Camelot continues the adventures of Rory Williams, who has taken it upon himself to guard his wife inside the Pandorica.  Doctor Who’s Series 5 finale saw Amy Pond’s luckless (and deceased) fiancé restored to life as an Auton Roman Centurion. Unable to resist his programming, he shot her and placed … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Lost Warriors – audio boxset review

Lost Warriors is the third boxset of adventures for Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor.  As with Respond To All Calls before it, these are three discrete Doctor Who tales with a thematic link, rather than a three-parter like Ravagers. Once again travelling alone, the Doctor finds allies on his adventures — all of which are Earthbound … >

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Doctor Who: Hornet's Nest

Fourth Doctor audio adventure to be released on vinyl

Long before the Tenth Doctor’s adventure in The Unicorn and the Wasp, the Doctor encountered alien Vespids in Hornet’s Nest, a fourth Doctor audio adventure recorded in 2010. The unique audio was Tom Baker’s remarkable first return to the role of the Doctor since his television departure. In May of 2022, Hornet’s Nest will be … >

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