Doctor Who: Hornet's Nest

Fourth Doctor audio adventure to be released on vinyl

Long before the Tenth Doctor’s adventure in The Unicorn and the Wasp, the Doctor encountered alien Vespids in Hornet’s Nest, a fourth Doctor audio adventure recorded in 2010. The unique audio was Tom Baker’s remarkable first return to the role of the Doctor since his television departure. In May of 2022, Hornet’s Nest will be … >

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Big Finish announce a further renewal of their Doctor Who licence

The prolific audio producers at Big Finish will be making Doctor Who audio dramas until at least 2030!  In news guaranteed to gladden the heart of Doctor Who audiophiles, if not their bank managers, Big Finish have announced that they have renewed their Doctor Who licence. The company have the go ahead to create audio … >

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Peladon – Big Finish celebrates 50 years with two Doctors and River

The history of the Pertwee-era Doctor Who planet will be returned to four times in a forthcoming boxset.  With 2022 just around the corner, it’s fifty years since Doctor Who first visited Peladon, arriving on the side of Mount Mageshra in the middle of a thunderstorm. In the 1970s, the feudal planet served as host … >

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The Diary of River Song Series 9 audio drama review

In series 8 of her Diary, River Song (Alex Kingston) was in the company of robots, now, in The Diary of River Song series 9 New Recruit, she’s back in more familiar (to fans) territory — the era of the third Doctor Big Finish may reasonably be accused of overusing the motif of River back in the life of a … >

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Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 8 audio review

The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 8 sees two new four-parters for Tim Treloar as the Doctor. Conspiracy in Space sees a return for the Draconians in a follow-up to the 1973 tale Frontier in Space. Meanwhile, The Devil’s Hoofprints finds the Doctor and Sarah back in the 19th century for a monstrous encounter. The Eve … >

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Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto Jones

Torchwood: The Great Sontaran War review

The Great Sontaran War brings one of Ianto’s oddest missions yet, assisting a member of the militaristic clone race. Tasked with a survey of Earth, Major Kreg is basing his operations at a Swansea caravan park. At Captain Jack’s behest, Ianto begins the tale escorting the Sontaran Major to a remote caravan park in the … >

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Dalek Universe 3 boxset cover art

Dalek Universe 3 – Doctor Who audio boxset review

Dalek Universe 3 concludes the Tenth Doctor’s sojourn in a pre-Time War, Terry Nation inspired universe. After being drawn back, sans-TARDIS, the Doctor has been seeking a way to his own time. He has been aided in this quest by Space Security Service agent Anya Kingdom, with whom he has a complicated history. However, at … >

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Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor

Big Finish reunites The Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard

India Fisher’s ‘Edwardian Adventuress’ returns for a new boxset teamed with Paul McGann’s dashing Doctor Celebrating twenty years since his Big Finish debut, the Eighth Doctor will once again enjoy adventures with his original audio companion Charlotte Pollard; a new boxset of four full-cast audio dramas is set for release in January 2022. In “Doctor … >

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Doctor Who: The Lost Resort and other stories cover art

The Fifth Doctor Adventures: The Lost Resort and Other Stories review

The Lost Resort and Other Stories sees Peter Davison’s Fifth Doctor reunited with his companions Nyssa, Tegan and Marc. Suffering a crisis of conscience, in the wake of Marc’s partial cyber-conversion, he temporarily abandoned them on a supposedly safe planet – eventually choosing to return after a series of solo adventures. This boxset, containing three … >

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Torchwood: Curios cover

Torchwood: Curios review

The deliciously creepy Bilis Manger returns to the Torchwood fray in Curios, the latest release in the monthly audio range. This new adventure continues Big Finish’s efforts to explore interesting corners and unseen episodes in the Torchwood timeline, taking the opportunity to provide fresh perspectives on events that play out before or after known points … >

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