Doctor Who, Demons of the Punjab: cast list, demons named

The guest cast list for the sixth episode of Doctor Who, Series 11, Demons of the Punjab was released: Shobna Gulati: Najia Khan, Yaz’s mother Ravin J Ganatra: Hakim Khan, Yaz’s father Bhavnisha Parmar: Sonya Khan, Yaz’s sister Leena Dhingra: Nani Umbreen, Yaz’s grandmother Amita Suman: Umbreen, Yaz’s grandmother 1947 Shane Zaza: Prem  Hamza Jeetooa: Manish Shaheen Khan: Hasna Barbara Fadden, Almak, likely a demon … >

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Doctor Who, Arachnids in the UK: behind the scenes photos

Quite a few of the cast and crew of the fourth episode of Doctor Who Series 11, Arachnids in the UK posted photos from the production on their social media accounts. Who getting excited for #Halloween ? #BetterThanXmas you wound think I’m terrified of #Spiders 😨 — Danny Hargreaves (@Dannysfx) October 18, 2018 Waiting … >

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The Party’s Just Beginning review: Karen Gillan’s movie directorial debut

Debuting as part of the 2018 Glasgow Film Festival, Karen Gillan’s directorial debut The Party’s Just Beginning, explores the life of an emotionally muted twenty something, whose best friend committed suicide almost a year to the day. Guardians Of The Galaxy star Gillan is Liusaidh, a 24 year old Inverness girl, whose bleak outlook on life … >

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