Doctor Who 60th Anniversary: teaser trailer breakdown

On December 25, 2022, a sixty-second trailer, publicity photos and some statements were released for the three Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials to air in 2023. What follows is a breakdown of the trailer complete with screen shots and information. It opens with a shot of London highlighting Tower Bridge. Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant): “I … >

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Doctor Who ‘The Haunting of Villa Diodati’: breakdown of the trailers

The BBC has released two trailers for the eighth episode of Doctor Who Series 12, The Haunting of Villa Diodati. The official The Haunting of Villa Diodati synopsis: “Nobody mention Frankenstein. Nobody interfere. Nobody snog Byron.” Should be easy right? The Doctor and gang arrive at the Villa Diodati, Lake Geneva, in 1816 – on … >

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First glimpse of Lord Byron in Doctor Who ‘The Haunting of Villa Diodati’

“Nobody mention Frankenstein. Nobody interfere. Nobody snog Byron,” is how the Doctor  instructs her companions before they visit the renowned literary inhabitants of 1816 Villa Diodati near Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The BBC has released a photo of four of the actors portraying the villa residents in the eighth episode of Doctor Who Series 12, … >

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Doctor Who ‘Can You Hear Me’: new images

Some new images were released for the seventh episode of Doctor Who Series 12, Can You Hear Me? Some are scenes from Sheffield: Some seem to be set in Aleppo: There are TARDIS Scenes: And some seem to be set on a spaceship. High resolution versions of the photos can be found here. The Can You … >

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Doctor Who Series 11: most stunning locations

Sheffield From the hills of the city, to the crane yard to the water tower and architecture. The episodes filmed in Sheffield, The Woman Who Fell to Earth and Arachnids in the UK put a cinematic spotlight on the beauty of Sheffield. South Africa Abandoned water park, Macassar Beach Pavilion, Paarl Rock and the streets … >

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Doctor Who, Resolution: new photos released

A new set of production stills from the Doctor Who New Year’s special, Resolution were released by the BBC. I will provide some plot and cast information to go with them. Ryan Sinclair meets his father, Aaron in a Sheffield cafe. Ryan’s body language is not receptive. Love interests Mitch (Nikesh Patel) and Lin (Charlotte Ritchie). … >

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A Collection of Doctor Who Holiday Treats

Several Doctor Who-related photos and recordings can be found here. I will add to the collection as I find more so it might be worth it to to revisit this site in the days leading up to Christmas and New Year’s Day. Doctor Who ’Twas the Night Before Christmas narrated by Bradley Walsh. Christmas Dinner at … >

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